Multiple Interviewer Administered 24hr Recalls

Measure Definition:

The objective of the 24-hour dietary recall is to estimate total intake of food energy (calories), nutrients, and non-nutrient food components from foods and beverages that were consumed during the 24-hour period prior to the interview (usually midnight to midnight). The 24-hour recall multipass protocol consists of developing an initial "quick list," where the respondent is queried about all the foods and beverages consumed during the day. This is followed by detailed probing questions about food preparation, additions to food, and amount consumed organized by eating occasion. Respondents are also queried about forgotten foods; these represent food in categories commonly omitted in 24-hour recall reporting. The 24-hour recall ends with a final review, where any other item not already reported can be added. The 24-hour recall usually takes 30 minutes but can be highly variable. Intake of dietary supplements for the past 24 hours can also be queried.



Construct Definition (and Source):

Regular course of eating and drinking adopted by a person or animal. (MeSH)

Selected References

Citation PubMed ID

Bathalon, G. P., Tucker, K. L., Hays, N. P., Vinken, A. G., Greenberg, A. S., McCrory, M. A., & Roberts, S. B. (2000). Psychological measures of eating behavior and the accuracy of 3 common dietary assessment methods in healthy postmenopausal women. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 71(3), 739–745.

Black A. E. (2000). Critical evaluation of energy intake using the Goldberg cut-off for energy intake:basal metabolic rate. A practical guide to its calculation, use and limitations. International journal of obesity and related metabolic disorders : journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, 24(9), 1119–1130.

Harrison, G. G., Galal, O. M., Ibrahim, N., Khorshid, A., Stormer, A., Leslie, J., & Saleh, N. T. (2000). Underreporting of food intake by dietary recall is not universal: a comparison of data from egyptian and american women. The Journal of nutrition, 130(8), 2049–2054.

Tran, K. M., Johnson, R. K., Soultanakis, R. P., & Matthews, D. E. (2000). In-person vs telephone-administered multiple-pass 24-hour recalls in women: validation with doubly labeled water. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 100(7), 777–783.

Goris, A. H., Westerterp-Plantenga, M. S., & Westerterp, K. R. (2000). Undereating and underrecording of habitual food intake in obese men: selective underreporting of fat intake. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 71(1), 130–134.

If you are interested in all the references for this measure, go to PubMed.