Summarizes the research on adolescent smoking in the United States, including trends within racial/ethnic groups, predictors of use, and rates of smoking initiation. Factors influencing youth tobacco use—such as social norms, access to tobacco, tobacco advertising, and price of tobacco products—are also addressed.
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Suggested Citation
National Cancer Institute. Changing Adolescent Smoking Prevalence. Tobacco Control Monograph No. 14. Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute. NIH Pub. No. 02-5086, November 2001.
View Individual Chapters
Chapters and key topics covered within each chapter are listed below. Chapters generally include an introductory section, details on methodology, a chapter summary, research needs, and a reference list.
- Preface (PDF, 69 KB)
- Acknowledgments (PDF, 68 KB)
- Contents (PDF, 67 KB)
- Chapter 1. Overview of Recent Changes in Adolescent Smoking Behavior (PDF, 193 KB)
- Changes in Adolescent Smoking Behavior over Time
- Chapter 2. Changing Demographic Patterns of Adolescent Smoking over the Past 23 Years: National Trends from the Monitoring the Future Study (PDF, 347 KB)
- Methods
- Results
- Chapter 3. Trends and Subgroup Differences in Tobacco Use among High Scool Students in the United States, 1991-1997 (PDF, 501 KB)
- Methods
- Results
- Chapter 4. Trends in Adolescent Smoking in the United States; Data from the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 1994 Through 1998 (PDF, 605 KB)
- Data Analysis
- Results
- Data Limitations
- Chapter 5. Cigarette Smoking among Adolescents in California, 1990-1996 (PDF, 361 KB)
- Definition of Smoking for Adolescents
- Change in Adolescent Smoking Behaviors, 1990-1998
- Predictors of Adolescent Initiation
- Comparison of California with Other States Using Current Population Survey Data
- Chapter 6. Changing Social Norms to Decrease Adolescent Tobacco Use: Massachusetts, 1993-1996 (PDF, 258 KB)
- Trends in Massachusetts and the Nation Prior to MTCP
- Trends Since 1993
- Changes in Correlates of Smoking: 1993-1996
- Changes in Lifetime and Current Smoking Associated with Correlates
- Impact of Perceived Increasing Cigarette Prices
- Chapter 7. Predictors of Tobacco Use among Adolescents in Florida, 1998-1999 (PDF, 642 KB)
- Methods
- Results
- Chapter 8. Changes in Adolescent Smoking Behaviors in Sequential Birth Cohorts (PDF, 173 KB)
- Methods
- Have Age-Specific Adolescent Initiation Rates Changed over Time?
- Discussion
- Chapter 9 . Pattern of Adolescent Initiation Rates over Time: National and California Data (PDF, 221 KB)
- Methods
- Results
- Chapter 10. Changing Adolescent Smoking Prevalence: Impact of Advertising Interventions (PDF, 316 KB)
- Should Antismoking Advertising Be Used for Tobacco Use Prevention?
- How Should Advertising Campaigns Be Designed?
- Chapter 11. Has Youth Access to Tobacco Changed over the Past Decade? (PDF, 104 KB)
- Sources of Tobacco
- Measures of Tobacco Availability
- Evidence That Availability Affects Use
- Trends in the Availability of Tobacco to Minors
- Chapter 12. The Impact of Price on Youth Tobacco Use (PDF, 90 KB)
- Prices and Adult Tobacco Use
- Prices and Youth/Young Adult Smoking
- Chapter 13. The Role of Tobacco Advertising and Promotion in Smoking Initiation (PDF, 238 KB)
- Tobacco Marketing and Youth Smoking: Evidence for a Casual Relationship
- Chapter 14. African American Teen Cigarette Smoking: A Review (PDF, 120 KB)
- Protective Factors
- An Increase in Risk Factors and a Decline in Protective Factors Equals an Increase in African American Teen Smoking Rates
- Validity of African American Self-Reports About Cigarette Smoking
- Outstanding Questions
- Key Questions
- Chapter 15. Understanding Tobacco-Use Research among Hispanic/Latino Adolescents: A Sociocultural Perspective (PDF, 106 KB)
- A Sociocultural Framework for Hispanic/Latino Adolescent Tobacco Use Research
- Environmental Factors: Tobacco Advertising and Promotion
- Researching Tobacco Use among Hispanic/Latino Adolescents References
- Chapter 16. Asian American and Pacific Islander Adolescent Cigarette Smoking: A Review (PDF, 176 KB)
- Demographics
- AAPI Tobacco Research; Epidemiology & Behavioral
- Factors Affecting AAPI Youth Smoking
- Domestic and International Advertising and Promotion
- Chapter 17. American Indian and Alaska Native Teen Cigarette Smoking: A Review (PDF, 169 KB)
- Traditional Use of Tobacco
- Cultural Factors
- Smoking Prevention and Control Policy Issues