Current NOFOs

PAR-23-298 – R01 Research Project Grant (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to support research on interventions to improve health in Native American populations. This includes 1) etiologic research that will directly inform intervention development or adaptations, 2) research that develops, adapts, or tests interventions for health promotion, prevention, treatment, or recovery, and 3) where a sufficient body of knowledge on intervention efficacy exists, research on dissemination and implementation that develops and tests strategies to overcome barriers to the adoption, integration, scale-up, and sustainability of effective interventions. Through this initiative, intervention and related research is sought to build upon community knowledge, resources, and resilience to identify and rigorously test culturally appropriate solutions to reduce morbidity and mortality. Interventions should be designed with a consideration for sustainability within the communities where they are tested, and have the flexibility to be readily adapted, disseminated, and scaled up to other communities where culturally appropriate.

The R01 research project grant supports a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Agency Contacts

See Part 2. Section VII of NOFO.

PAR-23-299 – R21 Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)

The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to support developmental/exploratory research to improve health in Native American populations. This includes 1) etiologic research that will directly inform intervention development or adaptations, 2) research that develops, adapts, or tests interventions for health promotion, prevention, treatment, or recovery, and 3) where a sufficient body of knowledge on intervention efficacy exists, research on strategies to overcome barriers to the adoption, integration, scale-up, and sustainability of effective interventions. Through this initiative, culturally appropriate and community-engaged exploratory/developmental research is sought that builds upon Native community knowledge, resources, and resilience to provide foundational knowledge that will inform effective and scalable interventions.

The R21 exploratory/developmental grant supports investigation of novel scientific ideas or new model systems, tools, or technologies that have the potential for significant impact on biomedical or biobehavioral research. An R21 grant application need not have extensive background material or preliminary information. Emphasis is given on the conceptual framework, the level of innovation, and the potential to significantly advance knowledge or understanding of the field of study. Appropriate justification for the proposed work can be provided through literature citations, data from other sources, or, when available, from investigator-generated data. Preliminary data are not required for R21 applications; however, they may be included if available.

Agency Contacts

See Part 2. Section VII of NOFO.

PAR-23-285 – R34 Planning Grant (R34 Clinical Trial Optional)

The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to support planning and development, including pilot or feasibility research, to improve health in Native American populations. Proposed research may address health promotion, disease prevention, treatment, recovery, or services research to inform intervention implementation and dissemination. Research with Native American populations requires engagement with tribal partners and communities to develop and/or adapt interventions and clinical trial protocols, understand intervention feasibility and acceptability, and identify and/or develop scientifically rigorous and culturally appropriate study designs and methods. Preparatory studies may fill information gaps, address unknowns, allow for strengthening of partnerships with Native American community leaders and organizations, and pilot test the feasibility of the intervention and clinical trial design, thereby improving scientific rigor and cultural appropriateness of a future efficacy, effectiveness, or implementation trial.

The R34 planning grant supports the initial development of a clinical trial or research project, including the establishment of the research team; the development of tools for data management and oversight of the research; the development of a trial design or experimental research designs and other essential elements of the study or project, such as the protocol, recruitment strategies, procedure manuals and collection of feasibility data.

This R34 NOFO will not support research testing intervention efficacy or effectiveness. Efficacy or effectiveness research could be submitted to the companion IRINAH NOFOs (PAR-23-298 and PAR-23-299).

Preliminary data are not required for this R34 NOFO.

Agency Contacts

See Part 2. Section VII of NOFO.