Welcome to the Implementation Science Program, DCCPS
Improving the impact of cancer control and population science on the health and health care of the population, and fostering the rapid integration of research, practice, and policy.

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View excerpts of dissemination and implementation grant applications provided by Implementation Science grantees.
Connecting with others in implementation science
November 2024 — This past summer, I joined a book club that was reading Brené Brown’s book Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone. The book discusses how we spend our lives looking for true belonging and how difficult and painful it can be when we don’t feel like we belong. It goes way beyond just this single issue, but this topic really resonated with me in relation to the field of implementation science (IS). Read More.
Funding Opportunities for Researchers
What is Implementation Science?
Implementation science is the study of methods to promote the adoption and integration of evidence-based practices, interventions, and policies into routine health care and public health settings to improve the impact on population health.
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Featured Initiatives

The initial Consortium for Cancer Implementation Science (CCIS) meeting, held July 2019, delved into three main categories of focus: building capacity, increasing collaboration, and supporting implementation science activities in cancer. The CCIS seeks to develop a new approach for the field to work together to address key challenges and identify and develop new areas of investigation towards advancing the implementation science agenda in cancer control.

EBCCP is a searchable database of cancer control programs and implementation materials giving program planners and public health practitioners easy and immediate access to evidence-based materials. Currently, there are over 200 programs available on the EBCCP website across many health topics (e.g., tobacco control, HPV vaccination, cancer screening, survivorship/supportive care), delivery settings (e.g., community- and faith-based organizations, schools, clinical settings), and target populations (e.g., adolescents, adults, blacks, Hispanics or Latinos, Asians, whites).