The National Cancer Institute’s Advancing Cancer Control Engaged Research through Transformative Solutions (ACCERT) initiative is a consortium of four centers investigating and developing interventions to address the impact of SDOH on adverse cancer control and prevention outcomes by
- developing interventions targeting multilevel pathways by which SDOH impact cancer outcomes
- developing measures and methods and assessing community-level SDOH, community engagement, and cancer control processes and outcomes
- building capacity among scholars and community partners to implement interventions that incorporate the lived experiences
NCI ACCERT Initiative Leads
- April Oh, PhD, MPH — Senior Advisor for Scientific Outreach and Engagement, Office of the Director
- Amanda Acevedo, PhD — Program Director, Behavioral Research Program
- Gina Tesauro, MSW — Public Health Advisor, Office of the Associate Director
NCI ACCERT Project Scientist
- Kate Castro, MS, RN, AOCN — Nurse Consultant, Office of the Associate Director of the Healthcare Delivery Research Program
- Maria Roditis, PhD, MPH — Program Director, Tobacco Control Research Branch
- Sylvia Chou, PhD, MPH — Program Director, Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch
- Tanya Agurs-Collins, PhD, RD — Acting Chief and Program Director, Health Behaviors Research Branch