Welcome to the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS)

The Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) aims to reduce cancer risk, incidence, and death and enhance quality of life for cancer survivors by supporting innovative research and recommending ways to apply that research in quality health care delivery.

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It’s been a momentous year for the National Cancer Institute’s Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences. We celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program, our nation’s premier source for cancer statistics. We also made progress in the six future directions for research that we and the cancer control community identified and unveiled in 2022, and we supported research toward the eight goals of the recently launched National Cancer Plan.

This year’s Overview and Highlights gives a report on our progress in these endeavors and opportunities for future growth, so that we can continue to have an impact and advance the science to help reduce the consequences of cancer for all.

Read the Report
2023 Overview and Highlights Cover



CGH Spotlight Blog

The crucial role of research in addressing global cancer stigma.


JNCI Monograph

Integrating telehealth into cancer care delivery: advancing a national research agenda.


White House Cancer Cabinet Community Conversation

Improving cancer outcomes—bringing research to rural communities.


NHGRI Press Release

NIH awards $27M to establish new network of genomics-enabled learning health systems.


NCI Media Advisory

New cancer diagnoses did not rebound as expected following pandemic.


NIH News Release

NIH launches community-led research program to advance health equity.


NCI Cancer Currents Blog

Some women avoid breast cancer screening after false-positive mammogram results.


In 1997, NCI established DCCPS to enhance its ability to alleviate the burden of cancer through cancer control research. This research generates basic knowledge about how to monitor and change individual and collective behavior, and to ensure that knowledge is translated into practice and policy rapidly, effectively, and efficiently.

Learn More About DCCPS and Cancer Control