The Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences both generates new knowledge and seeks to ensure that the products of cancer control research are effectively applied in all segments of the population. Through innovative research initiatives, leadership, and the synthesis of knowledge and its dissemination, we are building this program to be the nation's model for cancer control science.
As NCI’s bridge to public health research, practice, and policy, the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) plays a unique role in reducing the burden of cancer in America. DCCPS, an extramural division, has the lead responsibility at NCI for supporting research in surveillance, epidemiology, health services, behavioral science, and cancer survivorship. The division also plays a central role within the federal government as a source of expertise and evidence on issues such as the quality of cancer care, the economic burden of cancer, geographic information systems, statistical methods, communication science, comparative effectiveness research, obesity and tobacco control, and the translation of research into practice. As a result, DCCPS is what many have referred to as a “hybrid” division—one that funds a large portfolio of grants and contracts, but also conducts original research to inform and improve public health.
Reports About DCCPS
Mission and Vision
Mission: Advancing research in cancer control and population sciences to eliminate cancer and its consequences for all.
Vision: A world without the burden of cancer.
Learn more about the programs and branches that make up DCCPS.

Dr. Katrina Goddard
Dr. Katrina Goddard was appointed Director of the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) in October 2021. In this position, she oversees a division that covers a wide range of scientific domains and disciplines, including epidemiology, behavioral science, surveillance and statistics, cancer survivorship, and health services and outcomes research.