2023 New Grantee Workshop Overview

2023 New Grantee Workshop group photo

Photo from the 2023 New Grantee Workshop

The 2023 New Grantee Workshop brought together new extramural investigators funded by DCCPS who received their first National Institutes of Health (NIH) Research Project Grants (R01/R37) in FY 2022 and FY 2023. The primary goals of the workshop were to help build strong and vibrant cancer control research and cancer prevention programs and to help advance new investigators’ careers.

Through interactive sessions and informal activities, grantees learned strategies to successfully manage their grant; had opportunities to network with colleagues and DCCPS scientific staff; and learned about tools, trends, and resources to support their research.

Planning Committee

Arlene Coit
Chipper Dean
Christina Curington
Dana Wolff-Hughes
Danielle Carrick
Debbie Greenberg
Denise Lewis
Frederic Kim
Heather D’Angelo
Julie Collier
Kate McNeill
Li Zhu
Lynn Adams
Mark Alexander
Rose Mills
Scott Rogers
Tommie Mckoy


NCI Directors’ Opening Remarks

Monica Bertagnolli, Director, NCI

DCCPS Directors’ Opening Remarks

Katrina Goddard, Director, DCCPS

Enhancing Your Interactions with NCI Staff (View Presentations)

Frank Perna, DCCPS
Dawn Mitchum, NCI Office of Grants Administration

Successfully Managing Your R01

Jeanne Susan Mandelblatt, Georgetown University (View Presentation)

Clinical Trials (View Presentations)

Kathleen Castro, DCCPS
Nonniekaye Shelburne, DCCPS

Path to Mid-Career and Perspective from an Experienced Investigator

Salma Shariff-Marco, University of California, San Francisco
Frank J. Penedo, University of Miami, Sylvester Cancer Center
Jenny Poynter, Masonic Cancer Center

R37 Awards (View Presentation)

Veronica Chollette M.S., R.N., Program Director, DCCPS
Amy Bartosch, Office of Grants Administration (OGA), NCI

Survivorship Research and Cancer Survivors (View Presentation)

Emily Tonorezos, M.D., Director, Office of Cancer Survivors
Michelle Mollica, Ph.D., Deputy Director, Office of Cancer Survivors

Research Resources (View Presentations)

Richard Moser, DCCPS – The Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS)
Laura Dwyer, Cape Fox Facilities Services – Classification of Laws Associated with School Students (CLASS)
Margaret Mayer, DCCPS – Tobacco Use Supplement Current Population Survey (TUS-CPS)
Janet de Moor, DCCPS – Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS)
Jennifer Croswell, DCCPS – The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) Cancer Control Supplement (CCS)
Kathy Cronin, DCCPS - Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Cancer Registries

DCCPS Outreach Activities (View Presentations)

Susan Czajkowski, Ph.D., Branch Chief, DCCPS
April Oh Ph.D., Senior Advisor for Implementation Science, DCCPS

Data Management Sharing (View Presentations)

Charlisse Caga-anan, J.D., Program Director, DCCPS
Taunton Paine, M.A., Director, NIH Scientific Data Sharing Policy Division