In the recent 2022 DCCPS Overview and Highlights: New Reflections on Cancer Control, DCCPS presented six key future directions for research: health equity, data strategies, evidence-based policies, digital health, modifiable risk factors, and climate change. DCCPS is pleased to announce these active NOSIs in support of the six priority areas.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) NOT-CA-23-041
Administrative Supplements to Examine the Effects of Digital Tools and Interventions on Patient-Provider Communication Across the Cancer Control Continuum
Application Deadline: Friday, April 21, 2023, by 5:00 PM
Apply for NOT-CA-23-041
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This NOSI is an opportunity for current NCI grantees to receive supplemental funding for research examining the effects of digital health tools and interventions on patient-provider communication across the cancer control continuum, with the aim of informing future efforts to develop, modify, and deliver digital tools/interventions for cancer prevention and control. The goal of this administrative supplement is to support studies that seek to better understand (1) the effects of digital health tools/interventions on patient-provider communication, and/or (2) how patient-provider communication influences the relationship between digital health tools/interventions and cancer prevention and control outcomes (such as care quality, health behavior, health equity, etc.). Studies focusing on under-resourced settings and underserved populations are of particular interest.
Who is eligible to apply?
Principal Investigators that hold an active NCI-funded R01, R37, R21, P01, P20, P30, P50, U01, UH3, U19, or U54 are eligible to apply. The parent award must have sufficient time (minimum one year) remaining on it after the supplement has been awarded to allow the proposed supplement study to be completed within the existing project period. Requests for no-cost extensions on the parent grant to accommodate a supplement will not be permitted.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) NOT-CA-23-048
Administrative Supplement: Enhancement of external environmental exposure assessment for cancer epidemiology research
Application Deadline: Friday, April 21, 2023, by 5:00 PM
Apply for NOT-CA-23-048
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This Notice of Special Interest informs current National Cancer Institute (NCI) awardees that the National Cancer Institute (NCI) is providing the opportunity for supplemental funding to (i) enhance the capture of individual-level environmental exposure information in ways that are efficient, cost-effective, consecutive, and non-burdensome; and (ii) evaluate novel environmental exposure assessment approaches and validate such approaches with that of traditional assessment methods.
Who is eligible to apply?
Principal Investigators that hold actively funded R01, R37, P01, U01, U2C, UH3, and U19 projects supported through NCI with a minimum of one year remaining to complete the study proposed after the supplement has been awarded within the existing project period. Requests for no-cost extensions on the parent grant to accommodate a supplement will not be permitted.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) NOT-CA-23-044
Administrative Supplement to Support Health Policy Research in Cancer Prevention and Control
Application Deadline: Friday, April 21, 2023, by 5:00 PM
Apply for NOT-CA-23-044
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This NOSI is an opportunity for supplemental funding to current grantees for studies that support cancer-related policy research including empirical evaluation of policy or evaluation of policy implementation or dissemination methods. The goals of this initiative are to: 1) generate new or utilize secondary data that operationalize policies hypothesized to affect cancer control at the geographic, provider, patient, and/or temporal level; 2) examine the effects of existing policies and/or simulate the potential effects of new policies, with an emphasis on understanding health disparities by examining differential impacts on disadvantaged groups; 3) identify effective community-engaged strategies for dissemination or implementation of evidence to inform policymaking.
Who is eligible to apply?
Principal Investigators that hold actively funded R01, R21, R33, R37, P01, P20, P30, P50, U01, UH3, U19, UM1, U54 , and UG1 projects supported through NCI with a minimum of one year remaining to complete the study proposed after the supplement has been awarded within the existing project period. Requests for no-cost extensions on the parent grant to accommodate a supplement will not be permitted.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) NOT-CA-23-046
Administrative Supplement to Conduct Systematic Evidence Reviews on the Clinical Utility of Cancer-site Specific Polygenic Risk Scores (PRS) for Cancer Risk Assessment
Application Deadline: Friday, April 21, 2023, by 5:00 PM
Apply for NOT-CA-23-046
Learn more about applying for funding opportunities
The purpose of this Notice is to encourage currently funded NCI extramural investigators to apply for administrative supplements to conduct systematic evidence reviews assessing the state of the science on the clinical utility (CU) of cancer-site specific polygenic risk scores (PRS) for cancer risk assessment and inform future trials and research directions for clinical translation and implementation. The goals of this supplement opportunity are to 1) identify the potential for CU of cancer-site specific PRS for cancer risk assessment; 2) describe the state of the science in terms of cancer-site specific PRS development and evaluation; 3) assess the current evidence for efficacy and/or effectiveness of PRS CU and potential benefits and harms of their clinical use (including consideration of available screening and prevention interventions based on risk); and 4) propose criteria and optimal study designs and methods for which PRS are candidates for evaluation of CU through clinical trials.
Who is eligible to apply?
Principal Investigators that hold actively funded R01, R37, P01, P30, U01, UM1, UG1, U2C, UH3, and U19 projects supported through NCI with a minimum of one year remaining to complete the study proposed after the supplement has been awarded within the existing project period. Requests for no-cost extensions on the parent grant to accommodate a supplement will not be permitted.
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) NOT-CA-23-032
Administrative Supplements to Initiate or Augment Outreach to and Inclusion of Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Populations
Application Deadline: Friday, April 21, 2023, by 5:00 PM
Apply for NOT-CA-23-032
Learn more about applying for funding opportunities
This NOSI is an opportunity for supplemental funding to current grantees for studies that include SGM populations in cancer control research to enhance or accelerate the understanding of cancer-related health behaviors, care delivery, or health outcomes specific to the SGM population. The goal of this initiative is to supplement existing awards to collect new data and/or analyze existing data through inclusion of and/or outreach to SGM individuals.
Who is eligible to apply?
Principal Investigators that hold actively funded R01, R37, P01, U01, UM1, UG1, UG3, UH3, U19 projects supported through NCI with a minimum of one year remaining to complete the study proposed after the supplement has been awarded within the existing project period. Requests for no-cost extensions on the parent grant to accommodate a supplement will not be permitted.