About Cancer Survivorship

The Office of Cancer Survivorship (OCS) was created in 1996 to promote a better understanding of the unique needs of the growing population of cancer survivors and to enhance our ability to address those needs. OCS is housed within the NCI’s Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences. There are numerous researchers and practitioners throughout NCI who are experts in various areas of survivorship.


OCS, part of the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, was established in July 1996 in recognition of the growing numbers of people surviving cancer for long periods of time and their unique and poorly understood needs. OCS works to enhance the quality and length of survival of all persons diagnosed with cancer and to minimize or stabilize adverse effects experienced during cancer survivorship. The office supports research that both examines and addresses the long- and short-term physical, psychological, social, and economic effects of cancer and its treatment among cancer survivors and their families.

Cancer survivorship research is accomplished through:

  • a variety of funding mechanisms, such as Investigator Initiated Applications (R01s), Small Grant Programs (R03s) and Requests for Applications (RFAs)
  • strategic planning with researchers, health professionals, and the public to build common research agendas
  • collaborations within NCI and with other organizations regarding survivors' needs for education, communication, and appropriate medical and supportive care


  • Develop agendas for the continuous acquisition of knowledge concerning the problems and challenges facing cancer survivors and their families.
  • Improve the quality of survival of all individuals diagnosed with cancer and their families, including prevention of subsequent disease and disability.
  • Promote the dissemination of information to professionals who treat cancer patients and to the public concerning the problems and needs of cancer survivors and their families.


The OCS 25th Anniversary Report highlights the history of the office, milestones in cancer survivorship research, and the continued growth of the field.

Learn About the Anniversary Report

Contact Us

USPS Address
National Institutes of Health
National Cancer Institute
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
Office of Cancer Survivorship
9609 Medical Center Drive MSC 9764
Bethesda, MD 20892

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National Institutes of Health
National Cancer Institute
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
Office of Cancer Survivorship
9609 Medical Center Drive
Rockville, MD 20850