Video Library

Explore videos about the NCI Office of Cancer Survivorship, the field of cancer survivorship research, and the growing population of cancer survivors. These videos also highlight survivorship resources for survivors, caregivers, advocates, researchers, healthcare professionals, and the general public.

View select videos from the OCS collection.

Raising Awareness

These videos provide encouragement and support and help to raise awareness about issues affecting survivors and researchers.

Cancer Survivor Stories

In these videos, cancer survivors share their experiences and words of advice.

Advocate Videos

Hear from individuals who are passionate about advancing cancer research and supporting cancer survivors and their loved ones.

How Can a Newly Diagnosed Survivor Find a Support Group? - featuring Deanna Fournier, Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH) Survivor and Advocate

What Are the Benefits of Participating in Research? - featuring Deanna Fournier, Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Cancer (LCH) Survivor and Advocate

How Does a Cancer Diagnosis Affect a Family? - featuring Jill Feldman, Lung Cancer Survivor and Advocate

What Role Should Cancer Survivors and Advocates Play in Research? - featuring Jill Feldman, Lung Cancer Survivor and Advocate

National Standards for Cancer Survivorship Care Videos

Watch these short videos to learn more about the newly developed National Standards for Cancer Survivorship Care.

Did You Know?

Discover key cancer survivorship statistics and research findings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about cancer survivorship, including information for survivors and caregivers, researchers, and policymakers.