Survivorship Needs for Individuals Living with Advanced and Metastatic Cancers

Due to advances in treatment and supportive care, a growing number of people are living longer with metastatic and advanced cancers that are unlikely to be cured. Researchers at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) estimated that as of 2018, there were 623,405 people in the United States living with the most prevalent metastatic cancers — breast, prostate, lung, colorectal, or bladder cancer or metastatic melanoma — and that number is expected to increase to 693,452 by the year 2025. 

The population of metastatic and advanced cancer survivors, which varies in terms of disease characteristics, treatments received, and symptoms, likely also has different needs from the population of cancer survivors diagnosed with and treated for early-stage disease. For example, individuals living with metastatic or advanced cancer may go on and off therapy, be treated with new and novel therapies, and/or not know their likelihood of recovery or recurrence. This may have mental, emotional, and social – also known as psychosocial – effects. Many of the needs of this population of cancer survivors have not been well documented nor effectively managed.

NCI’s Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) is supporting a number of activities focused on the survivorship needs of people living with likely incurable cancer. This work is expected to identify scientific gaps, improve the understanding of experiences and unmet needs for survivors and caregivers, and promote the development and testing of interventions to improve outcomes. 

Funding Opportunities

RFA-CA-22-027:  Research to Understand and Address the Survivorship Needs of Individuals Living with Advanced Cancer  

In May 2022, DCCPS announced a funding opportunity focused on survivors living with likely incurable cancer. The goal of RFA-CA-22-027 was to support grant applications that aim to 1) better understand the physical and psychological symptoms, patterns of care, and unmet needs of this group of survivors, and 2) develop and test ways to improve the delivery of comprehensive survivorship care for them.

This RFA had two receipt dates, and eight awards were funded through this funding opportunity. The funded grants are below:

Grant Number Project Title Institution Principal Investigators
R01CA281759 Creatine supplementation and resistance training to preserve muscle mass and attenuate cancer progression: A double-blind randomized controlled trial University of Utah Adriana Coletta, Neeraj Agarwal
R01CA281861 Randomized Phase II Trial of Prolonged Overnight Fasting and/or Exercise on Fatigue and Other Patient Reported Outcomes in Women with Hormone Receptor Positive Advanced Breast Cancer (FastER) University of Miami Tracy Crane, Christina Dieli-Conwright, Jennifer Ligibel
R01CA281752 Population-based assessment of patient-reported outcomes in adults living with metastatic colorectal cancer Georgetown University  Arnold Potosky
R01CA281862 A Multi-Institute Survivorship Study of Patients Living with Advanced Cancer Who Have Had Durable Response to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center Song Yao, Charles Kamen, Lori Sakoda
R01CA281873 Biological and social determinants of psychosocial sequelae in advanced head and neck cancer survivors receiving immunotherapy Emory University Canhua Xiao, Veronika Fedirko
R01CA281756 Survivorship in patients with multiple myeloma treated with Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell therapy (CAR T) Moffitt Cancer Center Laura Oswald, Doris Hansen, Lauren Peres
R01CA281885 Randomized clinical trial of a telemedicine-mHealth symptom cluster intervention for advanced cancer patients: Increasing access in underserved rural communities Ohio State University Sharla Wells-Di Gregorio
R01CA281740 Evaluation of a proactive identification and digital mental health intervention approach to address unmet psychosocial needs of individuals living with likely incurable cancer Medical University of South Carolina Jennifer Dahne, Evan Graboyes

NOT-CA-25-024: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Survivorship Research for People Living with Advanced and Metastatic Cancers

The goal of NOT-CA-TBD is to indicate NCI’s interest in receiving applications proposing observational or intervention studies focused on survivorship research for people living with advanced and metastatic cancers. More information and specific research interest areas may be found at the following link: 


Related Workshop and Reports

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In May 2021, DCCPS sponsored Virtual Meeting on Survivorship Needs for Individuals Living with Advanced and Metastatic Cancers to discuss gaps in knowledge and areas of unmet needs for these survivors. The meeting brought together experts in research and clinical care, as well as cancer survivors and advocates, to explore areas of high priority for metastatic and advanced cancer survivorship research.

The goals of this meeting:

  1. Define the current state of metastatic and advanced cancer survivorship research
  2. Identify unmet needs among this population
  3. Discuss research gaps and opportunities in the areas of epidemiology, healthcare delivery, behavioral sciences, and symptom management

Links to materials from the meeting:

Data Resources

The May 2021 NCI meeting identified a number of research opportunities in the areas of epidemiology and surveillance, symptom management, psychosocial needs, healthcare delivery, and health behaviors to fill gaps in knowledge pertaining to cancer survivors living with advanced or metastatic cancer. Below is a list of available resources to facilitate research in these areas, organized by type. Please note that this list is not exhaustive. If you have any questions or would like to suggest additional resources, please contact Dr. Lisa Gallicchio at

Additional Materials

Phases of Cancer Survivorship

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For information about the NCI Office of Cancer Survivorship (OCS) or news in the field, go to the OCS homepage, or find us on X at @NCICancerSurv.