Cancer Survivorship Webinar: Future Directions in Cancer Survivorship Research

Event Type:
April 23, 2019


Event Material

Purpose: The National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Office of Cancer Survivorship, part of NCI’s Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, hosted a webinar on Tuesday, April 23, 2019, to discuss future directions in cancer survivorship research.

The specific goals of the webinar were 1) to present the research gaps in the recommended components of survivorship care, and important next steps, that were identified at the April 8th NCI meeting Evidence-Based Approaches for Survivorship Care: Where are the Research Gaps? and 2) to gather feedback on those identified strategic research priorities.

April 8th Keynote Presentation

To view the Keynote Presentation given by Dr. Kevin Oeffinger at the April 8th cancer survivorship research meeting Evidence-Based Approaches for Survivorship Care: Where are the Research Gaps?, please go to exit disclaimer.

April 23rd Webinar Presentation

To view the Future Directions in Cancer Survivorship Research webinar presented by Dr. Deborah Mayer, please go to exit disclaimer or click here to view the webinar slides (PDF 282 KB).


Dr. Kevin Oeffinger
Evidence-Based Approaches for Survivorship Care: Where are the Research Gaps?

Director, Duke Center for Onco-Primary Care
Professor, Department of Medicine
Secondary: Departments of Family & Community Medicine and Population Health Sciences

Dr. Deborah Mayer, PhD, RN, AOCN, FAAN
Future Directions in Cancer Survivorship Research

Interim Director, Office of Cancer Survivorship