Event Series
OCS Director’s Series
In this October 2022 NCI Office of Cancer Survivorship Director’s Series webinar, Dr. Ronald Epstein of the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry presented Beyond Prognostic Information - What Survivors Need, and lung cancer survivor and advocate Jill Feldman shared her experiences. Both speakers discussed effective communication between healthcare providers, survivors, and their loved ones and the importance of adapting that communication to survivors’ – and their caregivers’ – values and needs.
The intended audience was extramural researchers, NIH investigators and staff, patient advocates, policymakers, and patients with advanced cancer and those who help care for them.

Professor of Family Medicine, Oncology and Medicine (Palliative Care)
American Cancer Society Clinical Research Professor
Co-director, Center for Communication and Disparities Research
University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry

Lung Cancer Survivor and Advocate