OCS Director’s Series

The Office of Cancer Survivorship (OCS) established the OCS Director’s Series in 2021 as part of the commemoration of the office’s 25th anniversary. Today, these webinars serve as an avenue for promoting a better understanding of the unique needs of the growing population of cancer survivors. Each webinar focuses on research that examines and addresses the long- and short-term physical, psychological, social, and economic effects of cancer and its treatment among pediatric and adult survivors of cancer and their families.

Upcoming Events

April 29, 2025: OCS Director’s Series - Testicular Cancer Survivorship: Current State and Future Opportunities


Hung-Jui (Ray) Tan, MD, MSHPM, FACS

Director of Urologic Oncology
Urologic Oncology Fellowship Director
Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

May 20, 2025: OCS Director’s Series - Waiting Rooms and Lost Days: Measuring the Time Costs of Cancer Care


Rachel I. Vogel, PhD 

Associate Professor 
Division of Gynecologic Oncology 
University of Minnesota 

Julian Wolfson, PhD 

Division of Biostatistics and Health Data Science 
University of Minnesota 

September 9, 2025: OCS Director’s Series - Studying the Impacts of Hurricanes and Other Extreme Weather Events on Cancer Survivors


Brian D. Gonzalez, PhD 

Associate Member​

Health Outcomes and Behavior Program​

Moffitt Cancer Center