The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Office of Cancer Survivorship (OCS) is focused on enhancing the quality and length of survival of all persons diagnosed with cancer and preventing, minimizing, or managing adverse effects of cancer and its treatment.
This June, National Cancer Survivors Month, please join us as we recognize the more than 18 million cancer survivors in the United States and the work being done to improve the lives of all survivors and their caregivers.
OCS will share powerful cancer survivor and caregiver stories throughout the month.
Learn about the recently developed National Standards for Cancer Survivorship Care.
Explore two new Special Focus Areas on the OCS website: Health Equity and Health Disparities in Cancer Survivorship, and Primary Care and Cancer Survivorship.
On Tuesday, June 18, Dr. Emily Tonorezos will moderate the OCS Director’s Series webinar Survivor Voices: The Vital Role of Survivors in Advancing Cancer Survivorship Research, featuring a panel of cancer survivors and advocates.
Be sure to follow OCS on X @NCICancerSurv for these and other highlights, including announcements about upcoming events, recent publications, videos, research funding opportunities, and other news. We also encourage you to visit the NCI Office of Cancer Survivorship homepage and to sign up for our listserv.
Cancer Survivor Statistics
There are an estimated 18.1 million cancer survivors in the United States. This represents approximately 5.4% of the population. The number of cancer survivors is projected to grow to 26.0 million by 2040.
View More Statistics
Cancer Survivor and Caregiver Stories
Cancer Survivor Stories: Jamie
When Jamie was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma, treatment options weren't promising. She decided to enroll in a clinical trial. Now, more than 10 years later, she works to ensure that cancer survivors know about clinical trials and how to access them.
Click below to read Jamie’s story and others, and check back for new stories throughout the month.
View Survivor and Caregiver Stories
Featured Publication
Developing National Cancer Survivorship Standards to Inform Quality of Care in the United States Using a Consensus Approach
NCI, in partnership with other Health and Human Services agencies, led a consensus-building process with subject matter experts to develop the National Standards for Cancer Survivorship Care. This effort was undertaken as part of the Biden Cancer Moonshot and the President’s Cancer Cabinet. More information about the National Standards for Cancer Survivorship Care is available on this NCI Office of Cancer Survivorship page and in this recent publication in the Journal of Cancer Survivorship.
New Special Focus Areas
Primary Care and Cancer Survivorship
Primary care providers often manage vital aspects of care for survivors, but they can face substantial challenges in delivering high-quality survivorship care. Read about this important area of research.
Health Equity and Health Disparities in Cancer Survivorship
Advancing health equity and reducing health disparities in cancer survivorship remain a priority for OCS and for the institute as a whole. Learn more about research funding opportunities in this new Special Focus Area.