CCIS Public Goods and Action Groups

The ongoing efforts of the Consortium for Cancer Implementation Science are supported by CCIS action groups through the development of public goods (widely available tools and resources) to address key challenges and advance the implementation science agenda in cancer.

If you are interested in joining a CCIS action group, please email to be added on the listserv.



Community Participation in Implementation Science

2020 - Present

The goal of this action group is to identify important work in community participation in implementation science that will move the field forward. Major gaps to be addressed include insufficient or late engagement, finding a place on the continuum of engagement, and measures, competencies, engagement, and impact.

Public Goods


Environmental Health and Implementation Science

The goal of this action group is to foster transdisciplinary, multi-sectoral interactions, collaborations, and learning to address key environmental and occupational health challenges using and advancing implementation science.

Implementation of Complex/Multilevel Interventions

The goals of this action group are to understand the interface of multilevel interventions and implementation science, explore the interface of complex interventions and implementation science, and to produce goods and tutorials to help others seeking to work at the interface of these disciplines.


Implementation Science in Global Health

2020 – Present

This action group focuses on implementation science research and practice for global cancer control, with a particular focus on low- to middle-income countries. The group aims to identify the gaps, needs, and priorities for implementation science to improve and increase the translation of evidence-based cancer control strategies into practice in ways that are both scalable and sustainable.



Learning Healthcare Systems as Natural Laboratories

The goals of this action group are to promote and guide implementation science activities that successfully leverage the “natural laboratory” features of learning healthcare systems, and to facilitate implementation research that advances the study and understanding of learning healthcare systems to improve healthcare quality, equity, and outcomes. The group aims to promote and guide implementation research within learning healthcare systems and implementation research on learning healthcare systems.

Technology in Implementation Science

This action group focuses on how health information technologies can support the provision of guideline-concordant cancer prevention and care. The group aims to identify which technologies are effective when adopted, barriers and facilitators to their adoption, the evidence gaps that must be filled to move the field forward, and how best to address those gaps.


  • Owens-Jasey C, Chen J, Xu R, et al. Implementation of Health IT for Cancer Screening in US Primary Care: Scoping Review. JMIR Cancer. 2024;10:e49002. Published 2024 Apr 30. doi:10.2196/49002 §
  • Huguet N, Chen J, Parikh RB, et al. Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Implementation Science. Online J Public Health Inform. 2024;16:e50201. Published 2024 Apr 22. doi:10.2196/50201 §§§§



These action groups are no longer active.


Economics and Cost in Implementation Science

2019 - 2020

The goal of this action group aimed to better understand implementation costs and who bears them, and to distinguish between the intervention and implementation costs.


Implementation Science Study Designs

2019 - 2022

This group aimed to address how Implementation Research Study Designs should be reconsidered and specifically adapted to meet the challenges of advancing equity-focused implementation research.

Precision Health and Big Data in Implementation Science

2019 - 2020

The goal of this action group is to guide and support efforts on emerging precision health activities along the cancer care continuum; build capacity through training programs for precision health researchers, clinicians, and communities; establish networks to develop measures and analytic tools specific to precision health and big data; and conduct pragmatic studies using learning health care system models.

Rapid Cycle Design in Implementation Science

2019 - 2020

The goal of this action group is to develop guidance for advancing methodology related to rapid cycle designs.



This work is supported (or partially supported) by the Consortium for Cancer Implementation Science (CCIS) Public Good Awards.

* Cycle 1 Funding – October 2021
** Cycle 2 Funding – April 2022
*** Cycle 3 Funding – March 2023

This work is responsive to priorities identified by action group members in 2019§, 2020§§, 2021§§§, 2022§§§§, or 2023 §§§§§.