The NCI, along with institutes and centers across the National Institutes of Health, supports rigorous, cutting-edge implementation science (also referred to as “dissemination and implementation research”) grants through a variety of funding opportunities. The program supports investigator-initiated research grants and sponsors or co-sponsors a variety of targeted notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs). Learn more about these opportunities and find resources for prospective IS applicants.
Notices of Funding Opportunities
IS Funding Opportunities
There are many funding opportunities that support the conduct of dissemination and implementation research at NCI and across the NIH.
Current IS Funding Opportunities and Previous Grants
Current and previous grants funded through the DIRH NOFO in cancer prevention and control by DCCPS are listed in a searchable table for reference.
NIH-wide PAR, Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health
The NIH-wide NOFO with special receipt, referral and/or review (PAR), Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (DIRH) issued the PAR for R01, R21, and/or R03 funding sources.
Successful Grant Applications
View excerpts from successfully funded research grant applications to help prepare applications for NCI funding.
Funding Inquiry Staff Contact
Gila Neta, PhD, MPP
Program Director
Wynne E. Norton, PhD
Program Director
Additional Resources
Informational Webinar 2022
Learn about NCI’s participation in the set of NIH announcements, “Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R01/R21 - Clinical Trial Optional, R03 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed).
Study Section
The Science of Implementation in Health and Healthcare (SIHH) Study Section reviews applications that identify, develop, and evaluate dissemination and implementation theories, strategies and methods designed to integrate evidence-based health interventions into public health, clinical, and community settings. Applications reviewed in SIHH should have a major methods, strategy, or theoretical development component in implementation science in order to understand how interventions are implemented and measure implementation outcomes in public health, clinical, and community settings.
Portfolio Analysis
In 2015, IS team members published a portfolio analysis of dissemination and implementation grants funded by the NCI in cancer prevention and control between 2000 to 2012. The portfolio analysis identified 67 NCI grant awards with an implementation science focus. The R01 mechanism was the most common funding mechanism. Prevention grants were most common (49.3%) and cancer treatment grants were least (4.5%), with most grants including both quantitative and qualitative methods (69%).
NIH Office of Extramural Research Grants and Funding
Navigate the NIH grants process from finding a funding opportunity to monitoring your award.