About Implementation Science

Implementation science (IS) is the study of methods to promote the adoption and integration of evidence-based practices, interventions, and policies into routine health care and public health settings to improve our impact on population health. This discipline is characterized by a variety of research designs and methodological approaches, partnerships with key stakeholder groups (e.g., patients, providers, organizations, systems, and/or communities), and the development and testing of ways to effectively and efficiently integrate evidence-based practices, interventions, and policies into routine health settings.

The IS Team, housed within the Office of the Director in the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), is engaged in a variety of activities to advance implementation research and practice.

Dissemination & Implementation Orientation Webinar

This webinar is an introduction and orientation to the science of dissemination and implementation (D&I) for those who are new to this field.

View Webinar

Vision & Mission

The mission of the IS team at the NCI is to develop and apply the implementation science knowledge base to improve the impact of cancer control and population science on the health and health care of the population, and foster rapid integration of research, practice, and policy.

IS works with the ultimate goal of improving the effect of research on cancer outcomes and promoting health across individual, organizational and community levels.


The Team

The IS team seeks to:

  • Advance the science of implementation
  • Integrate implementation science into research across the cancer control continuum to improve the relevance to healthcare systems and population and public health
  • Foster engagement among research, practice, and policy stakeholders to systematically improve uptake of evidence and evidence-based interventions

To contact the IS team, email us: NCIdccpsISteam@mail.nih.gov.

BRP Organizational Structure

Advancing the Science of Implementation across the Cancer Continuum

Cover of Advancing the Science of Implementation across the Cancer Continuum

Chambers, DA, Vinson CA, Norton WE, eds. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2018.

Advancing the Science of Implementation across the Cancer Continuum provides an overview of research that can improve the delivery of evidence-based interventions, practices, and programs in cancer prevention and control. Chapters explore the field of implementation science and its application to practice, a broad synthesis of case studies illustrating cancer-focused topic areas, and emerging issues at the intersection of research and practice in cancer.

Annual Conference on the Science of D&I

This conference is convened on the front lines of D&I science to ensure that evidence is used to inform decisions that will improve the health of individuals and communities. Researchers, evaluators, and implementers interested in bridging the gap between evidence, practice, and policy in health and medicine by identifying opportunities, challenges, and strategies of disseminating and implementing research are encouraged to attend.

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Need Help?

Having trouble finding what you are looking for? Need help with something IS-related? The IS team provides valuable resources to advance the science, research, and practice of implementation. Contact us at NCIdccpsISteam@mail.nih.gov and let us help you!