This webinar was the second of a two-part series focused on sustainability and scale-up research in implementation science. The webinar focused on the status of scale-up research in cancer control funded by NCI and will provide insight from both domestic and international investigators working in this area. This session provides a summary of a recent NCI portfolio analysis of NC-funded grants related to scale-up research, followed by a discussion by panelists. Presenters shared illustrative examples of their work in this area, specifically on ”Using Technology to Scale-up and Occupational Sun Protection Program” and “Integrated Delivery of Cancer Control Interventions for Adolescents and Young Adults Living With HIV in Zambia” followed by a discussion of scale up guidelines in a network, lessons learned and research opportunities in this space.
By exploring the connection between sustainability and scale-up research, implementation scientists can develop more effective strategies for maintaining and expanding the impact of evidence-based interventions, ultimately improving health outcomes and well-being for more people.
Key considerations for researchers and practitioners:
Assess sustainability before scaling up: Evaluate the intervention's ability to maintain itself over time, including its financial, human, and social resources.
Design for scale and sustainability: Develop interventions with scale-up and sustainability in mind, considering factors like adaptability, local capacity, and community engagement.
Monitor and evaluate sustainability during scale-up: Continuously assess the intervention's ability to sustain itself as it is scaled up and adjust as needed.
For part one of this series, see Advancing Sustainability Research in Cancer Control.

Klein Buendel, Inc.


National Cancer Institute

Université Laval