This training is designed for investigators at any career stage interested in conducting Dissemination & Implementation (D&I) research with a focus on the cancer continuum. To be eligible, participants must NOT have matriculated through other National Institue of Health supported implementation science training programs (e.g. Training Institute for Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health, Mentored Training for Dissemination and Implementation Research in Cancer , Implementation Research Institute
). To be eligible, participants must NOT have current R18, R01, or R01-equivalent funding as a Principal Investigator for D&I research and may not have received such funding in the past 5 years. Note: Investigators who have received an R01 or equivalent are eligible, if the funding was not specifically for D&I research. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate experience with—or potential for—working effectively in transdisciplinary teams and who have strong partnerships with—or are embedded within—health care delivery, public health, or community-based networks. We seek a balance of both junior and senior investigators, with the overall goal of bringing new people into the field of D&I research. While we anticipate that most participants will be early- to mid-career individuals, we will enroll a limited number of senior researchers who are making the switch to D&I research.
In addition, to be eligible, participants must meet all the following criteria:
- Doctoral degrees (PhD, ScD, MD, DrPH, PharmD, MBBS, DNSc, etc.) and Master’s in Genetic Counseling (MGC) will be accepted (please contact the Implentation Science Team with any specific questions).
- Demonstrated experience and expertise in health research (e.g., medicine, behavioral medicine, psychology, nursing, medical anthropology, health economics, public health, health policy).
- Feasible D&I research concept to work on throughout the course. This should be a project that the applicant is seriously interested in conducting and/or submitting for funding.
- Willing and able to attend and actively participate in the self-directed coursework and collaborative training sessions, if accepted.
- Federal employees are not eligible, except for individuals whose positions allow them to receive grants and function as independent researchers (e.g., U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs research investigators).
- Applicants are NOT required to be citizens, permanent residents, or non-citizen nationals of the United States. There is no fee to apply to or attend the institute. No travel is required for the 2021 institute.
- Attendance at the virtual meeting and course closeout will NOT be permitted to those who have not actively participated in the online course and completed the required coursework.