Dispatches from Implementation Science at NCI

The Dispatches from Implementation Science at NCI blog discusses the integration of implementation science into research across the cancer control continuum to improve the relevance to healthcare systems and population and public health.


Comprehensive Cancer Control National Partnership

Prajakta Adsul, MBBS, MPH, PhD| August 2018

Prajakta Adsul

The Comprehensive Cancer Control National Partnership (CCCNP) was formed in 1998 as a collaborative group of national organizations working in the field of cancer control to build and strengthen CCC efforts across the nation.

Where Have We Been and Where Should We Go?

Gila Neta, PhD, MPP| July 2018

Gila Neta

In an effort to analyze the NCI-funded research portfolio, we completed an analysis of dissemination and implementation research funded through the DIRH Program Announcements.

Trials in Implementation Science

Wynne E. Norton, PhD| June 2018

Wynne E. Norton

Clinical trials—and randomized clinical trials in particular—have long been argued as having characteristics that seem at odds with the goals of implementation science.