Study Details
Information about this study has been provided by the principal investigator.
This project will be used for further understanding how medical professionals interpret medical images. This study will use mammograms as exemplar medical images, but you do not need to have any specific expertise in this area; it will suffice if you are a medical professional/trainee. Through your participation, we hope to gain a better understanding of how you do what you do. This study consists of 24 trials that you can complete at your own pace. During each trial, you will be shown a mammogram, asked a series of questions about it, asked to indicate your responses using an on-screen slider. Once you complete a set of 24 trials, you may perform one or more additional sets (each with 24 new mammograms) as you prefer.
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Participant Qualifications
- Medical professionals and trainees
- 18 to 64 years of age
- Vision is normal, or corrected-to-normal
- To the best of your knowledge, you do not have a brain or mental disorder
Principal Investigator
Dr. Jay Hegdé
Augusta University, Augusta, GA, USA
IRB Approval Number
These experiments are not conducted by the National Cancer Institute (NCI). NCI features studies on this page as a resource to the extramural community. The listing of any study, PI, or organization does not imply endorsement in the study’s validity or any research entity. For questions, contact Todd Horowitz.