2006-07 TUS-CPS Data, Table 6

Table 6. 2006-07 Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey (TUS-CPS):

Attitudes toward smoking in public places*: "Smoking Should Not Be Allowed At All" - Percentage Estimates (95% Confidence Intervals) of the US Household Population, 18 Years and Over:
Sex Place Percent Confidence Interval Population
Total Restaurants 64.4 64.0-64.8 214,118,332 167,265
Indoor work areas 77.3 76.9-77.7 213,878,295 167,093
Bars and cocktail lounges 43.5 43.1-43.9 211,573,522 165,143
Indoor sporting events 78.9 78.6-79.3 213,636,891 166,954
Indoor concerts 78.2 77.9-78.6 213,649,699 166,969
Outdoor children's playgrounds/sports fields 79.2 78.9-79.5 213,780,492 167,046
Male Restaurants 60.6 60.1-61.1 102,896,249 72,414
Indoor work areas 73.2 72.7-73.7 102,766,535 72,324
Bars and cocktail lounges 40.1 39.7-40.6 102,013,862 71,743
Indoor sporting events 75.7 75.3-76.2 102,768,424 72,350
Indoor concerts 74.2 73.7-74.7 102,690,508 72,294
Outdoor children's playgrounds/sports fields 76.4 76.0-76.9 102,775,221 72,363
Female Restaurants 67.9 67.5-68.3 111,222,083 94,851
Indoor work areas 81.1 80.7-81.5 111,111,760 94,769
Bars and cocktail lounges 46.6 46.1-47.0 109,559,660 93,400
Indoor sporting events 81.9 81.5-82.3 110,868,467 94,604
Indoor concerts 82 81.6-82.3 110,959,191 94,675
Outdoor children's playgrounds/sports fields 81.7 81.4-82.1 111,005,271 94,683

* Assessed by asking: "In (PUBLIC AREA), do you think that smoking should be allowed in all areas, allowed in some areas, or not allowed at all?"

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