The American Stop Smoking Intervention Study for Cancer Prevention (ASSIST) was a three-pronged intervention using strategy development, mass media and media advocacy, and program services. Monograph 16 provides information about historical context, conceptual framework, case studies of local interventions, and challenges presented by the tobacco industry in addition to the intervention itself.
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Suggested Citation
National Cancer Institute. ASSIST: Shaping the Future of Tobacco Prevention and Control. Tobacco Control Monograph No. 16. Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute. NIH Pub. No. 05-5645, May 2005.
View Individual Chapters
Chapters and key topics covered within each chapter are listed below. Chapters generally include an introductory section, details on methodology, a chapter summary, research needs, and a reference list.
- Other NCI Tobacco Control Monographs (PDF, 58 KB)
- A Note from the Series Editor (PDF, 53 KB)
- Dedication (PDF, 53 KB)
- Foreword (PDF, 69 KB)
- Preface (PDF, 83 KB)
- The Evaluation of the American Stop Smoking Intervention Study for Cancer Prevention (ASSIST) (PDF, 71 KB)
- Acronyms List (PDF, 106 KB)
- Acknowledgments (PDF, 124 KB)
- Contents (PDF, 128 KB)
- Chapter 1. The Historical Context (PDF, 169 KB)
- Needed: A New Approach
- The Context for Creating ASSIST
- Approval Is Sought
- Readiness to Go Forward
- Additional Resource
- Chapter 2. The Conceptual Framework (PDF, 237 KB)
- The Fundamental Premises of ASSIST: Preventing Tobacco Use through the Public Health Model
- The ASSIST Conceptual Framework: Priority Populations, Channels, and Interventions
- ASSIST Program Objectives and Evaluation
- The Selection of States5
- Time to Act
- Chapter 3. Structure and Communications (PDF, 286 KB)
- Linking the Units of a Complex Structure
- The Major Organizational Units
- Mechanisms for Coordination, Decision Making, and Communication
- Readiness to Build Capacity and Capabilities
- Chapter 4. Building National, State, and Local Capacity and Capability (PDF, 415 KB)
- Creating the Capacity to Act
- Building the Capability to Act
- Willing and Ready
- Chapter 5. Media Interventions to Promote Tobacco Control Policies (PDF, 373 KB)
- The Power of the Media
- Preparing for Media Interventions
- Media Strategies and Tactics
- Monitoring Newspaper Coverage
- From Media to Policy Change
- Chapter 6. Public and Private Policy Interventions (PDF, 901 KB)
- Policy as an Intervention
- Interventions in Four Policy Areas
- Challenges to Public Policy Interventions
- Insights from Policy Advocacy Experiences
- The Influence of Policy
- Additional Resources
- Chapter 7. Program Services: Reaching the Individual (PDF, 251 KB)
- The Challenge of Services Delivery: Setting Priorities
- The Role of ASSIST in Service Provision
- Interaction between Policy and Program Services
- Strength in Comprehensiveness
- Additional Resources
- Chapter 8. Tobacco Industry Challenge to ASSIST (PDF, 661 KB)
- Part 1. The Tobacco Industry’s Response to ASSIST: An Analysis of Tobacco Industry Internal Documents
- Methods for Researching the Tobacco Industry Documents
- Results of the Research
- Discussion
- Part 2. ASSIST’s Response to the Tobacco Companies: Facing the Opposition
- Understanding the Obligation to Respond to FOIA Requests
- Understanding the Regulations on Lobbying
- Case Studies
- Onward after the Opposition
- Additional Resources
- Chapter 9. Planning Strategically for the Future (PDF, 420 KB)
- At the Turning Point
- The States Work to Sustain Their Programs
- Developing Strategic Plans for a Sustained National Program
- Taking Action to Get Commitment
- Affirming the Commitment
- Turning to Transition
- Additional Resource
- Chapter 10. From Demonstration Project to Nationwide Program (PDF, 243 KB)
- The Challenge of Dissemination
- Transition from Agency to Agency: Administrative Issues
- Integrating and Maintaining Core Program Elements
- The National Environment for Tobacco Control: A Consideration
- Toward the Future
- Chapter 11. The Promise of ASSIST (PDF, 454 KB)
- Beyond ASSIST
- A Visible Promise: An Evolving Infrastructure
- The Promise of ASSIST: Shaping the Future
- Influencing Public Health Initiatives
- Advancing Evaluation Methodology
- Future Interventions and Research Initiatives
- Onward from ASSIST
- Index (PDF, 251 KB)