Table 4. 1998-1999 Tobacco Use Supplement, Current Population Survey (TUS-CPS):

Estimates of cigarette quitting and quit attempts in the US household population, 25 years and older.

Those smoking everyday one year previously who at the time of the TUS-CPS interview

  Had any cessation activity in the past year, including quitting* (%) Had quit smoking for 3+ months* (%) Population Size (thousands) Sample Size
Total 36.6 5.0 31,569 29,284
Male 36.2 5.0 16,874 13,968
Female 37.0 5.0 14,695 15,316
Northeast 37.9 4.9 6,088 5,993
Midwest 35.5 4.5 8,065 7,532
South 34.9 4.6 11,847 9,665
West 40.4 6.6 5,570 6,094
White 36.0 5.2 25,332 24,740
Black 39.4 4.0 3,472 2,433
American Indian / Alaska Native 34.8 4.3 380 428
Asian / Pacific Islander 38.8 4.3 637 478
Hispanic 38.4 4.7 1,748 1,205
25-44 38.5 4.5 17,331 15,467
45-64 34.6 5.2 11,413 10,845
65+ 32.8 7.2 2,824 2,972
<12 years 31.9 4.1 6,243 5,612
12 years 35.1 4.4 13,133 12,341
13-15 years 40.2 5.6 8,365 7,866
16+ years 41.4 7.2 3,828 3,465

*See text preceding table for definitions of quitting behavior.

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