2018-19 TUS-CPS Data, Table 3: E-Cigarette Use

E-Cigarette Use - Percentage Estimates (95% Confidence Intervals) for the US Household Population, 18 Years and Older
Cigarette Smoking Status1,2 Sex Currently Use E-Cigarettes %3,4 95% CI Population Sample
Total Total 2.3 2.2-2.4 246,011,933 135,308
Male 2.8 2.7-3.0 118,363,586 61,400
Female 1.8 1.7-1.9 127,648,347 73,908
Current Total 8.1 7.6-8.7 27,345,326 15,982
Male 8.6 7.8-9.4 14,881,562 8,030
Female 7.5 6.9-8.2 12,463,764 7,952
Former Total 4.8 4.5-5.1 44,804,960 28,890
Male 5.1 4.7-5.6 25,187,469 15,487
Female 4.4 4.0-4.8 19,617,492 13,403
Never Total 0.8 0.7-0.8 173,861,647 90,436
Male 1 0.9-1.2 78,294,556 37,883
Female 0.5 0.5-0.7 95,567,091 52,553

Note: Percentages and 95% confidence intervals represent weighted estimates.

1 Based on the 2018-19 TUS-CPS questions: a) Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life? and b) Do you now smoke cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all?

2 Current smokers = smoked 100 or more cigarettes in their lifetime, and smoked every day or some days.
Former smokers = smoked 100 or more cigarettes in their lifetime, but no longer smoking at the time of the interview. Never smokers = smoked less than 100 cigarettes in their lifetime, for all ages 18+ consistent with the SMOKSTAT coding.
Note: Respondents with unknown current cigarette smoking status are excluded from the data.

3 Current use of e-cigarettes is based on the 2018-19 TUS-CPS questions: a) Have you ever used e-cigarettes even one time? and b) Do you now use an e-cigarette every day, some days or not at all?

4 Current e-cigarette users = used e-cigarettes even one time, and used e-cigarettes every day or some days.
Note: Respondents with unknown current e-cigarette use status are excluded from the data.

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