Summarizes the scientific literature on media communication in tobacco promotion and tobacco control. It examines tobacco advertising tactics, depictions of tobacco use in news and entertainment, and tobacco control media strategies.
On This Page
Supplementary Materials
- General Fact Sheet (PDF, 466 KB)
- Major Conclusions Fact Sheet (PDF, 462 KB)
- Fact Sheet for the Media (PDF, 467 KB)
- Fact Sheet for Decision Makers (PDF, 537 KB)
- Fact Sheet for the General Public (PDF, 461 KB)
- Fact Sheet for Researchers (PDF, 464 KB)
- Overview Presentation (PPT, 4.6 MB)
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Suggested Citation
National Cancer Institute. The Role of the Media in Promoting and Reducing Tobacco Use. Tobacco Control Monograph No. 19. Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute. NIH Pub. No. 07-6242, June 2008.
View Individual Chapters
Chapters and key topics covered within each chapter are listed below. Chapters generally include an introductory section, details on methodology, a chapter summary, research needs, and a reference list.
- Other NCI Tobacco Control Monographs (PDF, 33 KB)
- Dedication (PDF, 17 KB)
- Contents (PDF, 50 KB)
- Figures and Tables (PDF, 36 KB)
- Foreword (PDF, 23 KB)
- Message from the Series Editor (PDF, 23 KB)
- Preface (PDF, 37 KB)
- Acknowledgments (PDF, 51 KB)
- Acronyms List (PDF, 39 KB)
Part 1. Introduction (PDF, 45 KB)
- Chapter 1. Overview and Conclusions (PDF, 169 KB)
- Tobacco and the Media: A Multilevel Perspective
- Studying the Media and Tobacco
- Preparation of this Monograph
- Monograph Organization
- Major Conclusions
- Chapter Summaries and Conclusion
- Chapter 2. Theoretical Underpinnings of Media Research in Tobacco Control and Tobacco Promotion (PDF, 177 KB)
- History of Media-Effects Research
- Levels of Theory and Analysis
Part 2. Tobacco Marketing (PDF, 41 KB)
- Chapter 3. Key Principles of Tobacco Promotion and Rationales for Regulation (PDF, 617 KB)
- Key Principles of Tobacco Advertising and Promotion
- A Rationale for Regulating Tobacco Promotion
- Chapter 4. Types and Extent of Tobacco Advertising and Promotion (PDF, 326 KB)
- Sources of Data
- Types of Tobacco Advertising and Promotion
- Extent of Tobacco Advertising and Promotion
- Chapter 5. Themes and Targets of Tobacco Advertising and Promotion (PDF, 816 KB)
- Segmentation, Tailoring, and Targeting
- Dominant Themes
- Targeting of Population Subgroups
- Chapter 6. Tobacco Companies’ Public Relations Efforts: Corporate Sponsorship and Advertising (PDF, 396 KB)
- Public-Image Problems of the Tobacco
- Corporate Sponsorship
- Corporate Advertising
- PM21: An Integrated Public Relations Campaign
- Chapter 7. Influence of Tobacco Marketing on Smoking Behavior (PDF, 680 KB)
- Adolescents’ Psychological Needs and the Influence of Cigarette Marketing
- Role of Image Enhancement from Cigarette Marketing
- Evidence of Effects of Exposure to Cigarette Marketing on Adolescent Smoking
- Effects of Tobacco Advertising on Tobacco Consumption
- Chapter 8. Legal and Constitutional Perspectives on Tobacco Marketing Restrictions (PDF, 190 KB)
- Constitutional, Statutory, and Regulatory Perspectives
- Notes
Part 3. Tobacco in News and Entertainment Media (PDF, 47 KB)
- Chapter 9. How the News Media Influence Tobacco Use (PDF, 173 KB)
- Perspectives on News Story Selection and Content
- Media Advocacy for Tobacco Control
- Descriptive Studies of News Coverage of Tobacco Use
- Relating News Coverage of Tobacco to Individual Attitudes, Behaviors, and Policy Outcomes
- Tobacco Industry Influence on News Reporting
- Future Directions
- Chapter 10. Role of Entertainment Media in Promoting or Discouraging Tobacco Use (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- Historical Perspective: Movies
- Movie Content
- Effects on Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behavior: Movies
- Tobacco Content in Other Media
- Efforts to Reduce Exposure
- Efforts to Modify Response to Exposure
- Appendix 10A. Statement by Attorney General Curran of Maryland on Role of the State Attorneys General
- Appendix 10B. Letter from 28 State Attorneys General to Jack Valenti and Respons
- Appendix 10C. Letter from Lorillard to California Assistant Attorney General Dennis Eckhart Regarding Brand Appearance of Newport in the Movie City by the Sea
Part 4. Tobacco Control Media Interventions (PDF, 41 KB)
- Chapter 11. An Overview of Media Interventions in Tobacco Control: Strategies and Themes (PDF, 415 KB)
- Nontelevised Mass Media Antitobacco Interventions
- Televised Antitobacco Advertisements
- Relative Performance of Televised Antitobacco Advertising Approaches
- New-Media Interactive Health Communications for Smoking Cessation
- Chapter 12. Assessing the Effectiveness of the Mass Media in Discouraging Smoking Behavior (PDF, 332 KB)
- Controlled Field Experiments
- Population-Based Studies
Part 5. Media, Tobacco Control Interventions, and Tobacco Industry Mitigation Efforts (PDF, 41 KB)
- Chapter 13. Tobacco Industry Efforts to Infl uence Tobacco Control Media Interventions (PDF, 430 KB)
- Fairness Doctrine
- Minnesota
- California
- Arizona
- Florida
- American Legacy Foundation
- Chapter 14. Tobacco Industry Media Efforts to Defeat State Tobacco Control Ballot Initiatives and Referenda (PDF, 242 KB)
- Criticisms of State Initiatives and Referenda
- General Role of Media in State Initiatives and Referenda
- Methods
- State Tobacco Control Initiatives and Referenda
- Tobacco Industry Opposition to State Tobacco Tax Initiatives and Referenda
- Results
Part 6. Future Directions (PDF, 45 KB)
- Chapter 15. Future Directions (PDF, 132 KB)
- Future Directions to Address Tobacco Promotion
- Future Directions for Media Strategies in Tobacco Control
- Appendix — Michigan’s Proposal A (PDF, 583 KB)
- Index (PDF, 141 KB)
Executive Summary Translations
- Spanish Translation (PDF, 299 KB)
- Arabic Translation (PDF, 415 KB)
- Chinese Translation (PDF, 419 KB)
- French Translation (PDF, 235 KB)
- Russian Translation (PDF, 654 KB)
- Portugese Translation (PDF, 555 KB)