Table 3. 1998-1999 Tobacco Use Supplement, Current Population Survey (TUS-CPS):

Attitudes toward smoking in public places — Estimates of the percentage of the US household population, 18 or older, who believe that public areas should be smoke-free*

Public Area: Total (%) Male (%) Female (%)
Restaurants 51.9 48.9 54.6
Hospitals 83.0 81.2 84.7
Indoor work areas 68.2 63.4 72.5
Bars and cocktail lounges 29.8 27.1 32.3
Indoor sporting events 71.7 67.8 75.2
Indoor shopping malls 69.4 66.0 72.5
Population size** (thousands) 191,095 91,770 99,325
Sample size** 169,732 73,218 96,514

*Assessed by asking: "In (Public Area), do you think that smoking should be allowed in all areas, allowed in some areas, or not allowed at all?"
Table was updated in May 2002.

**Based on sample size applying to the item in the series having the fewest respondents providing other than a Don't Know or Refusal response.

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