Addressing co-use of tobacco with alcohol and tobacco with cannabis are important targets for cancer prevention and control. Co-use includes concurrent use of substances as well as use of multiple substances within a given timeframe, such as past week or month. Further research using existing datasets is needed to enhance our understanding of the effects of co-use of tobacco with both alcohol and cannabis, as well as poly-use of all three substances. The National Cancer Institute (NCI), together with federal partners, funds and conducts research to advance science in these areas.
The information presented below summarizes key takeaways related to these areas of research and lists relevant funding opportunities, NCI-funded grants, and resources for researchers interested in co-use of tobacco with alcohol and cannabis.
Co-use of Tobacco and Alcohol
Alcohol and tobacco are both known carcinogens. Cigarette smoking causes nearly one-third of all cancer deaths in the United States, while alcohol use is responsible for approximately 6% of cancer deaths (1). A December 2020 NCI workshop highlighted the need for greater attention to alcohol as a cause of cancer, including awareness of the potential harm of combined use of tobacco and alcohol. Addressing co-use of alcohol and tobacco is particularly important, as epidemiological research shows that combined use of alcohol and tobacco has multiplicative effects on cancer risk at several sites, notably for oral and pharyngeal cancers (2, 3). Further, likelihood of cigarette smoking increases (4) as alcohol use increases, and alcohol use may lead to lower quit rates (5, 6) and higher rates of relapse among individuals who smoke daily or occasionally (7, 8). Research on tobacco and alcohol co-use has the potential to increase the success of both tobacco and alcohol cessation interventions and to inform research and practice concerning alcohol as a target for cancer prevention and control.
Co-use of Tobacco and Cannabis
Further research on tobacco and cannabis co-use is needed, particularly as the tobacco and cannabis landscapes rapidly evolve with new products and state laws being introduced. The introduction of state laws legalizing adult, non-medical cannabis use has been associated with increases in cannabis use (9) and may also impact tobacco use, as recent population-level data estimate that almost 30% of tobacco users regularly use cannabis (10). Studies have documented both an increased likelihood of initiation and use of cigarettes and e-cigarettes among youth who use cannabis (11) and an increased likelihood of cannabis initiation and use among those who have used e-cigarettes (12). Other research indicates that individuals who smoke cigarettes and use cannabis are less likely to successfully quit smoking (13, 14) and score higher on nicotine dependence measures than individuals who use cannabis but do not smoke (15, 16). More research is needed to determine whether and how cannabis use and cannabis laws influence tobacco use patterns and whether the recent changes have any impact on current tobacco control guidelines. Further, the measurement of cannabis product characteristics, behaviors, and contextual factors is another research need. A better understanding of the effects of tobacco and cannabis co-use will inform how behavioral interventions can advance tobacco control to improve public health.
Poly-use of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Cannabis
There is a need for continued research investigating the effects of poly-use of tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis on cancer-related outcomes, particularly given the prevalence of poly-use of these three substances among young people (17). Such research, especially when addressing initiation and cessation, may also need to address other drugs. This research should build on findings from studies of the effects of co-use of tobacco with alcohol and tobacco with cannabis individually and improve our understanding of how poly-use of tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis affects cancer risk, as well as how interventions addressing poly-use can lead to positive behavior change.
Selected NCI Grants Related to Co-Use of Tobacco with Alcohol and/or Cannabis
PI Name | Organization Name | Project Title | Project Number |
Sterling McPherson, Ph.D. | Washington State University | An Addictions Neuroclinical Assessment Based Treatment for Smokers with an Alcohol Use Disorder | 1R01CA252185-01A1 |
James Sargent, M.D. | Dartmouth College | Machine Learning for Computerized Surveillance of Tobacco and Alcohol Brands in Streamed Entertainment Media | 5R01CA225845-03 |
Erin McClure, Ph.D. | Medical University of South Carolina | Determining the Impact of Cannabis Use and Severity on Tobacco Cessation Outcomes: A Prospective Tobacco Treatment Trial | 5R37CA237245-03 |
Michael Dunbar, Ph.D. | Rand Corporation | Predictors and Consequences of Nicotine and Cannabis Vaping Co-use in Young Adults: A Longitudinal and EMA Analysis | 5R37CA249707-02 |
Adam Leventhal, Ph.D. | University of Southern California | Vaping Nicotine and Cannabis Across Adolescence and Young Adulthood | 5R01CA229617-04 |
Tobacco and Alcohol Co-Use
- NCI workshop: Alcohol as a Target for Cancer Prevention and Control: Research Challenges (December 8-10, 2020)
- Blog article (2018 CRAN blog) - Raising the Minimum Age for Purchasing Tobacco Products: Lessons Learned from Alcohol
- The mission of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) partnership, Collaborative Research on Addiction at NIH (CRAN), is to provide a strong collaborative framework to enable the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to integrate resources and expertise to advance substance use, abuse, and addiction research and public health outcomes.
- BRP’s Alcohol and Cancer page
- BRP’s Alcohol and Cancer webinar series
-’s Alcohol and Cancer fact sheet
- National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Alcohol page
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
Tobacco and Cannabis Co-Use
- NCI symposium: Cannabis, Cannabinoids, and Cancer Research Symposium (December 15-18, 2020)
- EGRP’s Cannabis in Cancer Patients page
- National Academies Report on The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids (2017)
- Division of Cancer Prevention's Cannabis and Cancer page
- NIDA’s Cannabis and Cannabinoids Research page
- Islami F, Goding Sauer A, Miller KD, Siegel RL, Fedewa SA, Jacobs EJ, . . . Jemal A (2018).Proportion and number of cancer cases and deaths attributable to potentially modifiable risk factors in the United States. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 68(1), 31-54. doi:10.3322/caac.21440
- Hashibe M, Brennan P, Chuang SC, et al. Interaction between tobacco and alcohol use and the risk of head and neck cancer: Pooled analysis in the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology Consortium. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 2009; 18(2):541–550.
- Turati F, Garavello W, Tramacere I, et al. A meta-analysis of alcohol drinking and oral and pharyngeal cancers: Results from subgroup analyses. Alcohol and Alcoholism 2013; 48(1):107–118.
- Verplaetse TL, McKee SA. (2016). An overview of alcohol and tobacco/nicotine interactions in the human laboratory. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 43(2).
- Lynch KL, Twesten JE, Stern A, & Augustson, E. M. (2019). Level of Alcohol Consumption and Successful Smoking Cessation. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 21(8), 1058–1064.
- Weinberger AH, Gbedemah M, Goodwin RD (2017). Cigarette smoking among adults with and without alcohol use disorders and heavy alcohol use, 2002-2015: A representative sample of the United States population. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 180: 204-207. 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.07.009.
- Kahler CW, Spillane NS, & Metrik J (2010). Alcohol use and initial smoking lapses among heavy drinkers in smoking cessation treatment. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 12(7), 781–785.
- Shiffman S, Scholl SM, Mao J, Ferguson SG, Hedeker D, & Tindle HA (2020). Ecological momentary assessment of temptations and lapses in non-daily smokers. Psychopharmacology, 237(8), 2353–2365.
- Manthey J, Jacobsen B, Hayer T, Kalke J, López-Pelayo H, Pons-Cabrera MT, Verthein U, Rosenkranz M. The impact of legal cannabis availability on cannabis use and health outcomes: a systematic review. International Journal of Drug Policy. 2023 Jun 1;116:104039.
- Gravely S, Driezen P, Smith DM, Borland R, Lindblom EN, Hammond D, McNeill A, Hyland A, Cummings KM, Chan G, Thompson ME. International differences in patterns of cannabis use among adult cigarette smokers: findings from the 2018 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey. International Journal of Drug Policy. 2020 May 1;79:102754.
- Weinberger AH, Zhu J, Lee J, Xu S, Goodwin RD. Cannabis use and the onset of cigarette and e-cigarette use: a prospective, longitudinal study among youth in the United States. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 2021 Mar;23(3):609-13.
- Wang Y, Duan Z, Self-Brown SR, et al. Longitudinal associations between e-cigarette use and onset of multiple modes of cannabis use among US adolescents. Addict Behav 2022;131:107316.
- Driezen P, Gravely S, Wadsworth E, Smith DM, Loewen R, Hammond D, Li L, Abramovici H, McNeill A, Borland R, Cummings KM. Increasing cannabis use is associated with poorer cigarette smoking cessation outcomes: findings from the ITC four country smoking and vaping surveys, 2016–2018. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 2022 Jan;24(1):53-9.
- Weinberger AH, Delnevo CD, Wyka K, Gbedemah M, Lee J, Copeland J, Goodwin RD. Cannabis use is associated with increased risk of cigarette smoking initiation, persistence, and relapse among adults in the United States. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 2020 Aug;22(8):1404-8.
- Akbar SA, Tomko RL, Salazar CA, Squeglia LM, McClure EA. Tobacco and cannabis co-use and interrelatedness among adults. Addictive behaviors. 2019 Mar 1;90:354-61.
- Strong DR, Myers MG, Pulvers K, Noble M, Brikmanis K, & Doran N (2018). Marijuana use among US tobacco users: Findings from wave 1 of the population assessment of tobacco health (PATH) study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 186, 16–22.
- Dai H (2019). Trends in Single, Dual, and Poly Use of Alcohol, Cigarettes, and Marijuana Among US High-School Students: 1991–2017. American Journal of Public Health, 109(8), 1138–1140.