Explores tobacco use trends in the United States and examines comprehensive tobacco control strategies, including community-based smoking control, public information, cessation programs, and prevention using data from NCI’s Smoking and Tobacco Control Program (STCP). Approaches at the individual level—such as school-based interventions, clinical approaches, and self-help—and at the social environment level—such as community mobilization and legislation—are discussed.
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Suggested Citation
National Cancer Institute. Strategies to Control Tobacco Use in the United States: A Blueprint for Public Health Action in the 1990’s. Tobacco Control Monograph No. 1. Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute. NIH Pub. No. 92-3316, December 1991.
View Individual Chapters
Chapters and key topics covered within each chapter are listed below. Chapters generally include an introductory section, details on methodology, a chapter summary, research needs, and a reference list.
- Foreword (PDF, 249 KB)
- Preface (PDF, 277 KB)
- Acknowledgments (PDF, 283 KB)
- Introduction (PDF, 319 KB)
- Contents (PDF, 291 KB)
- Chapter 1. The Scientific Rationale for Comprehensive, Community-Based, Smoking Control Strategies (PDF, 1.7 MB)
- Background: Efforts to Control Tobacco Use
- Patterns of Smoking Behavior
- Role of Public Information Campaigns
- Results of Early Tobacco Control Efforts
- Comprehensive Control Strategies
- Chapter 2. Evolution of Smoking Control Strategies (PDF, 2.4 MB)
- Information and Education Campaigns
- Cessation Program Strategies
- Prevention Strateties
- Comprehensive Approach to Smoking Control
- Conclusions
- Chapter 3. Smoking Prevalence and Lung Cancer Death Rates (PDF, 3.1 MB)
- Analysis of Smoking Behavior
- Smoking Prevalence
- Lung Cancer Mortality
- A discrete State Model of Health Intervention
- Conclusions
- Appendix A. Data Points for Figures in Chapter 3
- Chapter 4. Approaches Directed to the Individual (PDF, 3,.4 MB)
- Public Information Campaigns
- Evolution of School-Based Interventions
- Clinical Approach to Smoking Control
- Self-Help Approaches
- Conclusions
- Chapter 5. Approaches Directed to the Social Environment (PDF, 4.1 MB)
- Public Opinion and Tobacco Use
- Intervention Channels
- Community Mobilization
- Restrictive Legislation
- Preventing Tobacco Sales to Minors
- Economic Incentives
- Conclusions
- Chapter 6. Interdependence and Synergy Among Smoking Control Activities (PDF, 2.1 MB)
- Conceptual Framework
- Studies of Environmental Change
- Synergistic Effects Among Selected Interventions
- Approaches to Tobacco Companies’ Targets
- Conclusions
- Index (PDF, 607 KB)