2010-11 TUS-CPS Data, Table 7: Cessation Treatments & Methods

Table 7. 2010-11 Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey (TUS-CPS):

Cessation Treatments and Methods - Percentage Estimates (95% Confidence Intervals) of the US Household Population, 18 Years and Older:

Current and Former Smokers Who Were Current Smokers About This Time 12 Months Ago (Current Smokers Who Made A Serious Attempt to Quit Smoking in the Past Year and Former Smokers Who Stopped Smoking 12 Months or Less Ago).
Sex Cessation treatments/methods Percent Confidence
Total Any NRT product 22.4 21.5-23.4 16,992,439 12,935
Any prescription pill 13.2 12.6-14.0 16,968,850 12,916
Any treatment product* 31.1 30.1-32.2 16,981,743 12,928
Any type of behavior counseling 3.7 3.4- 4.1 16,970,407 12,914
Telephone help line or quit line 2.9 2.7- 3.3 16,973,012 12,920
Internet or web-based program 1.8 1.5- 2.1 16,964,809 12,910
Any potential counseling 6.7 6.3- 7.2 16,959,906 12,907
Any help/support from family or friends 32.4 31.3-33.6 16,969,416 12,913
Self help materials 5.2 4.8- 5.7 16,965,656 12,909
Other (Acupuncture or hypnosis) 1.6 1.4- 1.8 16,968,837 12,911
Any type of help/treatment 51.5 50.4-52.6 16,974,635 12,919
Male Any NRT product 21.4 20.1-22.7 8,941,743 6,183
Any prescription pill 10.7 9.9-11.6 8,935,347 6,179
Any treatment product* 28.3 26.9-29.8 8,938,440 6,181
Any type of behavior counseling 3.3 2.8- 3.8 8,937,836 6,177
Telephone help line or quit line 2.3 1.9- 2.7 8,939,030 6,181
Internet or web-based program 1.4 1.1- 1.8 8,937,836 6,177
Any potential counseling 5.7 5.1- 6.3 8,935,506 6,176
Any help/support from family or friends 30.4 29.0-31.8 8,939,352 6,178
Self help materials 4 3.5- 4.6 8,937,459 6,175
Other (Acupuncture or hypnosis) 1 0.8- 1.3 8,941,001 6,178
Any type of help/treatment 48.4 46.9-49.8 8,935,965 6,177
Female Any NRT product 23.6 22.4-24.9 8,050,697 6,752
Any prescription pill 16.1 15.1-17.1 8,033,503 6,737
Any treatment product* 34.3 33.0-35.6 8,043,304 6,747
Any type of behavior counseling 4.2 3.7- 4.7 8,032,571 6,737
Telephone help line or quit line 3.7 3.2- 4.2 8,033,982 6,739
Internet or web-based program 2.3 1.9- 2.8 8,026,973 6,733
Any potential counseling 7.9 7.2- 8.7 8,024,400 6,731
Any help/support from family or friends 34.7 33.2-36.3 8,030,064 6,735
Self help materials 6.6 5.9- 7.3 8,028,197 6,734
Other (Acupuncture or hypnosis) 2.2 1.8- 2.6 8,027,837 6,733
Any type of help/treatment 55 53.5-56.5 8,038,671 6,742

* Uses of one or more NRT or prescription medicine products during the most recent quit attempt during the past 12 months.

† Uses of one or more types of counseling, use of telephone quit line or internet or web-based program during the most recent quit attempt during the past 12 months.

‡ Uses of one or more types of NRT or prescription medicine, counseling, use of telephone quit line, internet or Web-based program, self-help materials, acupuncture or hypnosis, or support from friends or family during the most recent quit attempt during the past 12 months.

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