Table 5. 2003 Tobacco Use Special Cessation Supplement to the Current Population Survey (TUSCS-CPS)

Various Unique Items in the TUSCS-CPS - Percentage and Mean Estimates (95% Confidence Intervals) of the US Household Population, 18 Years and Older.

Topic Percent Population Size
Sample Size
Menthol Cigarette Use*
Total 26.7
39,292 34,104
Male 22.7
21,091 16,368
Female 31.4
18,200 17,736
Light, Mild and Ultra Light Cigarette Use*
Total 53.0
39,161 33,998
Male 45.1
21,033 16,325
Female 62.2
18,128 17,673
First Cigarette Within 30 Minutes
Total 61.4
29,975 26,527
Male 63.1
16,036 12,743
Female 59.3
13,939 13,784
Total 25.9
10,115 8,789
Male 25.0
5,215 4,038
Female 26.9
4,900 4,751
Health Professional Advice to Quit§
Total 59.6
26,954 24,055
Male 57.3
12,955 10,358
Female 61.7
14,000 13,697
In Bars and Cocktail Lounges, Smoking Should Not Be Allowed At All||
Total 37.5
200,388 173,552
Male 33.5
96,243 75,542
Female 41.2
104,145 98,010
Average Price Paid for Last Pack of Cigarettes#
Total 3.54
24,148 20,097
Male 3.56
13,276 9,931
Female 3.52
10,872 10,166


* Current everyday and some days smokers.


Current everyday smokers. For total and sex-specific, median time to first cigarette equals 30 minutes; 25th percentile equals 10 minutes; 75th percentile equals 60 minutes.

Among current everyday cigarette smokers who stopped smoking for one day or longer in the past 12 months, we assess use of nicotine patch, nicotine gum, nasal spray, inhaler and/or lozenge on the last quit attempt.

§ Advice in the past 12 months by doctor, dentist, nurse or other health professional to quit among current everyday and some days cigarette smokers who have seen a health professional in the past 12 months.

|| In bars and cocktail lounges, do you think that smoking should be allowed in all areas, allowed in some areas or not allowed at all?

# Current everyday and some days smokers reporting usual purchase by the pack in dollars (medians are slightly lower, e.g., median for total is $3.45); if we also include purchases by the carton the average total cost per pack is somewhat lower -- $3.19 total, $3.23 for males, and $3.15 for females (medians are slightly lower, e.g., median for total is $3.00).

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