2003 TUS-CPS Data

In 2003, a Special Topics questionnaire oriented toward tobacco cessation was fielded. The 2003 TUSCS-CPS had several unique topics covering:

  • type of cigarette usually smoked (menthol, lights),
  • switching to lighter cigarettes,
  • level of nicotine dependence,
  • products, treatments and methods used to quit cigarette and/or other tobacco product use,
  • cessation behavior for "other" non-cigarette tobacco products (cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco and snuff),
  • use of new harm reduction products,
  • specific guidance from health professionals, and
  • cost of last pack/carton of cigarettes purchased and in which state purchased.

Technical Documentation

Data and SAS Read-in Files

SAS code for creating a permanent SAS dataset from the .dat and ASCII text files (called “SAS Read-In Files”) is available for the harmonized and single wave public use files, respectively.  Each program reads all variables from the core and the supplement and creates a SAS dataset containing all of the variables.

Note: Replicate weight files may be found at the CPS FTP site.

The data tables listed here provide examples of the type of information that researchers can obtain from the TUSCS. They are based on analyses of the 2003 TUSCS-CPS data file. These tables are also provided in the PDF file Representative Survey Findings.

When using these tables, please note that:

Additional 2003 state-level data tables are available in the 2007 Users’ Workshop section.