2021 Data User Webinar Series
Members of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) TUS-CPS team and colleagues presented and answered questions about the TUS-CPS, including how to obtain the data, conduct linkages with other datasets, analyze data and obtain trends, and more! The TUS-CPS Data User Webinar Series was open to all investigators but especially designed for junior tobacco control investigators and/or those with limited TUS-CPS experience.
Recordings, slides, and transcripts are available for download.
Conducted by: Tobacco Control Research Branch, Behavioral Research Program, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute; additional presenters from the NIMHD and the CDC Foundation.
2020 Workshop
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) TUS-CPS team recently compiled responses to questions submitted by registrants for the 2020 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) TUS-CPS Informational Session (despite that Session having been cancelled). Please find all questions and responses in the 2020 Informational Session Questions and Responses document.
2019 Workshop
The 2019 workshop, “Understanding Tobacco Use Trends: Leveraging Harmonized Data from the U.S. Tobacco Use Supplement – Current Population Survey, 1992-2015,” was designed to highlight and disseminate the newly-released harmonized TUS-CPS data. The workshop provided background information on the TUS-CPS and its potential linkages to other supplements and datasets; the harmonization process, including decisions made and how variables were coded; and the process of accessing and analyzing the data.
The full presentation from the workshop is available for download.
Conducted by: Tobacco Control Research Branch, Behavioral Research Program, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute; additional presenters from the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute; and NIMHD.
2018 Presentation
The 2018 presentation highlighted model-based small area estimation techniques that NCI uses to provide more precise county level data to evaluate tobacco trends and progress on key measures.
2013 Webinar
The 2013 TUS-CPS Webinar was designed to provide an overview of the TUS-CPS, including new developments in the supplement, uses and linkages, best practices for analyzing the data, and tips and tricks for using the data.
Presentations and a webinar transcript are available for download.
Conducted by: Tobacco Control Research Branch, Behavioral Research Program, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute; additional presenters from the Surveillance Research Program, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute
2009 Workshop
The 2009 Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey (TUS-CPS) Users' Workshop was designed to enhance participants’ knowledge of TUS-CPS data and how to use this rich and unique data resource.
Some of the speakers’ presentations from the workshop are available for download.
TUS-CPS data is available on the national, state, and sub-state levels.
We would like to thank the speakers and all participants for contributing to the success of the workshop.
Conducted by: Risk Factor Monitoring & Methods Branch, Applied Research Program, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute.
2007 Workshop
The Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey (TUS-CPS) Users' Workshop was designed to enhance participants’ knowledge of TUS-CPS data and how to use this rich and unique data resource.
Participants learned how to make the most of TUS-CPS data to:
- monitor progress in efforts to control tobacco use;
- evaluate tobacco control programs;
- conduct tobacco-related research; and
- link occupational, economic, time use, or Internet access information to tobacco use data.
TUS-CPS data is available on the national, state, and sub-state levels.
The workshop was conducted in Minneapolis the day before the National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH) . We acknowledge the NCTOH sponsors for providing meeting space for this important workshop.
We would like to thank the speakers, the American Legacy Foundation and the rest of the Planning Committee for their guidance, and all participants for contributing toward the success of the workshop.
Conducted by: Risk Factor Monitoring & Methods Branch, Applied Research Program, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute in collaboration with survey co-sponsor, Office of Smoking and Health (OSH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).