2014-15 TUS-CPS Data, Table 6: Attitudes Toward Smoking in Public Places

Attitudes toward smoking in public places*: "Smoking Should Not Be Allowed At All" – Percentage Estimates (95% Confidence Intervals) of the US Household Population, 18 Years and Older
Sex Place Percent Confidence Interval Population Sample
Total Indoor work areas 85.7 85.4–85.9 232,690,545 158,178
Bars and cocktail lounges 56.8 56.5–57.2 230,481,268 156,580
Outdoor children's playgrounds/sports fields 87.9 87.7–88.2 232,932,704 158,345
Inside casinos 55.0 54.7–55.4 229,712,991 156,072
Inside a car, when there are other people present 73.6 73.3–73.9 232,238,847 157,885
Inside a car, when children are present 94.5 94.4–94.7 232,900,776 158,353
Male Indoor work areas 82.8 82.4–83.2 111,425,990 70,424
Bars and cocktail lounges 52.3 51.8–52.8 110,508,989 69,801
Outdoor children's playgrounds/sports fields 86.2 85.9–86.5 111,592,269 70,544
Inside casinos 50.6 50.1–51.0 109,987,531 69,486
Inside a car, when there are other people present 69.7 69.3–70.2 111,215,611 70,302
Inside a car, when children are present 93.6 93.4–93.8 111,571,121 70,559
Female Indoor work areas 88.3 88.1–88.6 121,264,556 87,754
Bars and cocktail lounges 61.0 60.6–61.4 119,972,279 86,779
Outdoor children's playgrounds/sports fields 89.5 89.3–89.8 121,340,435 87,801
Inside casinos 59.2 58.7–59.6 119,725,460 86,586
Inside a car, when there are other people present 77.2 76.8–77.5 121,023,236 87,583
Inside a car, when children are present 95.4 95.2–95.6 121,329,655 87,794

* Assessed by asking: "In (PUBLIC AREA), do you think that smoking should be allowed in all areas, allowed in some areas, or not allowed at all?"

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