Food Attitudes and Behaviors (FAB)


A photo of a man holding a armful of different fruits, while a woman laughs as she adds more to his armfulThe Food Attitudes and Behaviors (FAB) Survey was developed by staff at NCI with the goal of evaluating a variety of factors that may be related to fruit and vegetable intake among adults. The FAB Survey contains 65 questions in 8 sections. FAB measures attitudes and beliefs, general health, shopping, fruit and vegetable consumption, eating behaviors, physical activity, sedentary behaviors, and food preferences. Conventional constructs include self-efficacy, barriers, social support, and knowledge of recommendations related to fruit and vegetable intake. Novel constructs include shopping patterns, taste preferences, views on vegetarianism, intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, and environmental influences. The FAB Survey was administered using a Consumer Opinion Panel in Fall 2007 and the final sample consisted of 3,397 adults, with an oversampling of African-Americans. The final response rate was 57 percent.


To access the FAB survey, references and analytic guide, please select and download the following files:

FAB Survey Instrument, Annotated Version (PDF)

FAB Survey Item Sources and References (PDF)
The FAB Survey contains new, existing, and modified items. The FAB Survey Item Sources and References document is an item-by-item account of all of items on the FAB Survey, where items were derived from, as well as any associated references for the source.

FAB Analytic Guide (PDF)
The FAB Analytic Guide provides background on the FAB Survey, as well as other pertinent information for a FAB data user, including the survey design and sample selection, calculation and recommended use of survey weights application, and benefits and limitations in using the weights

FAB Codebook (PDF)
The FAB Codebook document contains formatting information (e.g., variable labels), source information, inclusion criteria and a simple frequency table for every FAB Survey item, including both unweighted and weighted percentages.

Publications and Resources

Select FAB Survey Publications:

Literature Review Prepared for FAB:
