2001-2002 TUS-CPS Data

In 2001-02, a Core TUS questionnaire was fielded, using mostly the same instrument that was administered in 1998-99. For a list of the few differences, see the footnotes to the 2001-02 questionnaire.

Technical Documentation

Data and SAS Read-in Files

SAS code for creating a permanent SAS dataset from the .dat and ASCII text files (called “SAS Read-In Files”) is available for the harmonized and single wave public use files, respectively.  Each program reads all variables from the core and the supplement and creates a SAS dataset containing all of the variables.

Note: Replicate weight files may be found at the CPS FTP site.

2001-2002 Questionnaire

The data tables listed here provide examples of the type of information that researchers can obtain from the TUS. They are based on analyses of the 2001-2002 TUS-CPS data file. These tables are also provided in the PDF file, Representative Survey Findings (PDF, 138 KB).

When using these tables, please note that: