2010-11 TUS-CPS Data, Table 6: Attitudes Toward Smoking in Public Places

Table 6. 2010-11 Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey (TUS-CPS):

Attitudes toward smoking in public places*: "Smoking Should Not Be Allowed At All" - Percentage Estimates (95% Confidence Intervals) of the US Household Population, 18 Years and Older:
Sex Place Percent Confidence
Total Bars and cocktail lounges 52.5 52.0-52.9 219,243,622 163,189
Outdoor children's playgrounds/sports fields 81.3 80.9-81.6 221,700,684 165,123
Inside casinos 47.5 47.0-48.0 218,402,827 162,528
Inside a car, when there are other people present 73.7 73.3-74.0 221,448,351 164,935
Inside a car, when children are present 93.4 93.2-93.6 221,276,014 164,819
Male Bars and cocktail lounges 47.5 47.0-48.1 105,481,546 71,863
Outdoor children's playgrounds/sports fields 78.5 78.0-78.9 106,650,416 72,698
Inside casinos 42.9 42.3-43.4 105,119,251 71,583
Inside a car, when there are other people present 69.5 69.0-70.0 106,467,829 72,560
Inside a car, when children are present 92.2 91.9-92.5 106,339,194 72,472
Female Bars and cocktail lounges 57 56.5-57.5 113,762,076 91,326
Outdoor children's playgrounds/sports fields 83.9 83.5-84.2 115,050,268 92,425
Inside casinos 51.9 51.4-52.4 113,283,576 90,945
Inside a car, when there are other people present 77.6 77.2-78.0 114,980,522 92,375
Inside a car, when children are present 94.5 94.3-94.8 114,936,820 92,347

* Assessed by asking: "In (PUBLIC AREA), do you think that smoking should be allowed in all areas, allowed in some areas, or not allowed at all?"

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