Fifteen investigators and their organizations agreed to let the Behavioral Research Program (BRP) post excerpts of their grant applications to demonstrate what a successful grant application looks like.
Note: These sample grants predate some recent grants policy changes, including NIH’s Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy (effective January 25, 2023). Please refer to the NIH Grants Policy and NCI Grants Policy to ensure your application is in full compliance.
Sample Applications
R01: Reducing Chemotherapy Toxicity in Older Adults
Grant Mechanism & Award Number
R01: Sleep Disturbance, Inflammation, and Cellular Aging in Breast Cancer Survivors
Grant Mechanism & Award Number
R01: Disseminating Evidence-Based Interventions to Control Cancer
Grant Mechanism & Award Number
R01: Increasing Implementation of Evidence-Based Interventions at Low-Wage Worksites
Grant Mechanism & Award Number
R01: Establishing The Program Sustainability Action Planning Training Model
Grant Mechanism & Award Number
R01: Implementing Tobacco Use Treatment Guidelines in Community Health Centers in Vietnam
Grant Mechanism & Award Number
R01: Using Technology to Scale-Up an Occupational Sun Protection Policy Program
Grant Mechanism & Award Number
R21: Effective Training Models for Implementing Health-Promoting Practices Afterschool
Grant Mechanism & Award Number
Preventing Falls and Frailty in Prostate Cancer Survivors: GET FIT Prostate
Grant Mechanism & Award Number
Sexual Health Empowerment for Cervical Health Literacy and Cancer Prevention
Principal Investigator

Megha Ramaswamy, Ph.D.
University of Kansas School of Medicine (Dr. Ramaswamy is no longer with University of Kansas School of Medicine)
Grant Mechanism & Award Number
Vegetable Garden Feasibility Trial to Promote Function in Older Cancer Survivors
Grant Mechanism & Award Number
A Primary Care Multilevel mHealth Colorectal Cancer Screening (mCRC) Intervention
Grant Mechanism & Award Number
Participant Beliefs and Bias in a Randomized Controlled Trial
Grant Mechanism & Award Number
Constituent Yields and Biomarkers of Exposure for Tobacco Product Regulation
Grant Mechanism & Award Number
Multisensory Processing Across Lifespan and Links to Cognition
Grant Mechanism & Award Number
BRP is grateful to the investigators who enabled our program to deliver this valuable resource. Please note that certain details are redacted, such as social security numbers, budgets, and home addresses. Additionally, to minimize the file size, BRP excluded sections of the original application that provide routine details, such as lists of performance sites and key personnel, biographical sketches, and bibliographies. As a result, SF424 (R&R) sections do not appear in these samples.
The text of the grant applications is copyrighted. Investigators and others may use the text from these applications only for nonprofit educational purposes provided that the content remains unchanged and that the Principal Investigator(s), their organization(s), and NCI are credited.
Accessibility. If you are using assistive technology, such as a screen reader or Braille reader, and have trouble accessing information from the sample applications, please send an email to
Other Cancer Grant Applications
See examples of successfully funded grant applications from other NCI programs.