Winter 2020 Newsletter

Dear Colleagues,

William Klein

2020 is shaping up to be a busy and exciting year for BRP. As you may well be aware, NCI's FY2020 paylines for almost all NIH grant mechanisms have increased since FY2019, allowing us to fund even more grants than before. In this issue you’ll find many new funding opportunities, reissuances, and notices of special interest (NOSI), a new type of announcement that enables NCI (and NIH) to delineate research priorities in specific scientific areas. We highlight recent NOSIs in a variety of areas including, Alzheimer’s disease, geospatial approaches to cancer control, and dissemination and implementation science. Follow the tip below to find NOSIs more easily in the NIH Guide, thanks to improved search filters.

This year also marks many new updates to BRP resources. For tobacco control researchers, you can now access the July 2018 data from the 2018-2019 Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey (TUS-CPS). We also recently released data from the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) 5, Cycle 3 which includes new data on UV exposure, dietary intake, alcohol consumption, e-cigarette use, and more. And make sure to check our newly refreshed Classification of Laws Associated with School Students (CLASS) website. The website offers enhanced interactive maps and tables to easily view physical education and nutrition efforts across the U.S. You’ll find all these resources and more neatly packaged in the 2019 DCCPS Overview and Highlights document, an annual publication that this year showcases behavioral research.

Below we highlight findings from BRP-supported or BRP-funded projects in the journals and in the media. For example, read about the effectiveness of the court-ordered tobacco-related corrective statements in reaching the public, how exercise prescriptions can improve cancer survivorship, and how the brain ages following chemotherapy in breast cancer survivors.

Lastly, we’re moving into a busy conference season, with many BRP staff attending key meetings such as the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT), the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM), and the American Society of Preventive Oncology.

In order to keep our scientific community up-to-date on our resources and funding opportunities, we’ve added recent grant applicants to our BRP Scientific News listserv. You’re free to manage your subscription at any time,  but we hope you find the information beneficial. If you’re on social media, follow us on Twitter at @NCIBehaviors. exit disclaimer

We know that the spread of COVD-19 has produced a period of uncertainty that may influence travel to conferences and many other decisions. On behalf of BRP, we hope that the impact on you and your families is minimal. If you are concerned about the impact of the virus on your funded research project, please be in touch with your Program Director.

Bill Klein

Funding Opportunities

Notices of Special Interest (NOSIs)


Notice of Special Interest filter in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts

The NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts has a new way to filter search results. The “Type of Funding Opportunities” filter now includes a category for Notices of Special Interest (NOSIs). You can also filter search results by organization, activity code, type of research, and date range. Search for funding opportunities »

Geospatial Approaches in Cancer Control and Population Sciences
BRP Contacts: Dr. David Berrigan and Dr. April Oh
Posted: October 22, 2019
Expires: January 08, 2022

Dissemination and Implementation Science for Cancer Prevention and Control in Low Resource Environments
BRP Contact: Dr. Mark Parascandola
Posted: February 10, 2020
Expires: May 8, 2022

New Funding Opportunity Announcements


Research Answers to National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Provocative Questions
R01 Clinical Trial Optional; RFA-CA-20-004
R21 Clinical Trial Optional; RFA-CA-20-005
BRP-relevant questions include: 1, 2, 6, and 9
NCI Contact: Dr. Sean Hanlon
Posted: January 17, 2020
Expires: November 18, 2020

Mobile Health: Technology and Outcomes in Low and Middle Income Countries
R21/R33 Clinical Trial Optional; PAR-19-376
NCI Contact: Dr. Vidya Vedham
Posted: September 13, 2019
Expires: December 04, 2020

Research on Biopsychosocial Factors of Social Connectedness and Isolation on Health, Wellbeing, Illness, and Recovery (R01)
R01 Clinical Trials Not Allowed; PAR-19-373
R01 Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required; PAR-19-384
BRP Contact: Dr. Rebecca Ferrer
Posted: September 18, 2019
Expires: March 18, 2021



Mentored Research Scientist Career Development Award in Tobacco Regulatory Research
K01 Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed; RFA-OD-20-008
K01 Independent Clinical Trial Required; RFA-OD-20-011
BRP Contact: Dr. Rachel Grana Mayne
Posted: February 7, 2020
Expires: July 11, 2022

Pathway to Independence Award in Tobacco Regulatory Research
K99/R00 Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed; RFA-OD-20-009
K99/R00 Independent Clinical Trial Required; RFA-OD-20-010
BRP Contact: Dr. Rachel Grana Mayne
Posted: February 7, 2020
Expires: July 11, 2022

Leveraging Cognitive Neuroscience Research to Improve Assessment of Cancer Treatment-Related Cognitive Impairment
R01 Clinical Trial Optional; PAR-19-340
R21 Clinical Trial Optional; PAR-19-339
BRP Contact: Dr. Todd Horowitz
Posted: August 12, 2019
Expires: June 9, 2022

Innovative Approaches to Studying Cancer Communication in the New Information Ecosystem
R01 Clinical Trial Optional; PAR-19-348
R21 Clinical Trial Optional; PAR-19-350
BRP Contact: Dr. Kelly Blake
Posted: August 16, 2019
Expires: June 9, 2022

Fundamental Mechanisms of Affective and Decisional Processes in Cancer Control
R01 Clinical Trial Optional; PAR-20-034
BRP Contact: Dr. Rebecca Ferrer
Posted: October 18, 2019
Expires: January 08, 2023

Perception and Cognition Research to Inform Cancer Image Interpretation
R01 Clinical Trial Optional; PAR-19-387
R21 Clinical Trial Optional; PAR-19-389
BRP Contact: Dr. Todd Horowitz
Posted: October 2, 2019
Expires: January 8, 2023

Scientific Advances

Both in-person and online training models show promise for scaling up an evidence-based nutrition and physical activity intervention

A recent paper by BRP grantee Dr. Rebekka Lee and colleagues conducted a three-arm group-randomized implementation study that compared the effectiveness of in-person and online training models for scaling up an evidence-based nutrition and physical activity intervention compared to controls. Findings from the pilot trial suggest that the in-person training model was an effective approach, whereas the less expensive online training approach could be beneficial for geographically disbursed sites where in-person training is less feasible.

Lee R.M., Barrett J.L., Daly J.G., Mozaffarian R.S., Giles C.M., Cradock A.L., Gortmaker S.L. Assessing the effectiveness of training models for national scale-up of an evidence-based nutrition and physical activity intervention: A group randomized trial. BMC Public Health (2019).

Higher obesity associated with poorer health outcomes among endometrial cancer survivors

A recent paper by BRP grantee Dr. Nora Nock and collaborators investigated if varying levels of obesity are differentially associated with sleep, depression, and quality of life among endometrial cancer survivors. Results indicate that 72% of survivors had poor sleep quality and 71% reported sleeping <7 hours per night. Additionally, they found that endometrial cancer survivors with class III obesity had poorer sleep quality, higher depression, and lower quality of life compared to those with class I obesity. Future interventions are needed to address both obesity and poor sleep.

Nock N.L., Dimitropoulos A., Zanotti K.M., Waggoner S., Nagel C., Golubic M., Michener C.M., Kirwan J.P., Alberts J. Sleep, quality of life, and depression in endometrial cancer survivors with obesity seeking weight loss. Support Care Cancer (2019).

State physical education laws associated with greater physical activity in high school students

A recent paper led by Dr. Wanting Lin investigated the association between state physical education (PE) time requirements and physical activity (PA) and PE outcomes among high school students. The authors included a combination of BRP staff and extramural researchers. Their study found that strong PE time requirement laws (i.e., ≥90 minutes/week) were associated with greater overall weekly PA among students and a reduced probability of not engaging in activity. These associations were attributed to reduced probabilities of no days of moderate or vigorous exercise and by increased daily engagement in vigorous exercise and moderate exercise. PE time requirement laws were also associated with increased time spent in PE exercising or playing sports. Overall, these findings may inform the efforts around the potential effectiveness of strong PE time requirement laws in increasing PA and PE.

Lin W., Leider J., Shang C., Hennessy E., Perna F.M., Chriqui J.F. The association between state physical education laws and student physical activity. Am J Prev Med (2019).

Greater symptom burden among older breast cancer survivors than older adults without cancer

A study of the effects of symptom burden on well-being among older breast cancer survivors was published in the December 2019 issue of Cancer. The paper was led by BRP grantee Dr. Jeanne Mandelblatt and co-authors included multiple extramural researchers. Symptom burden was measured as the sum of self-reported pain, fatigue, depression, anxiety, neuropathy, sleep disturbance, cardiac problems, and cognitive dysfunction. The study concluded that cancer and its treatment were associated with greater actionable symptoms and loss of well-being compared to non-cancer populations. These findings suggest the need for surveillance and intervention.

Mandelblatt J.S., Zhai W., Ahn J., Small B.J., Ahles T.A., Carroll J.E., Denduluri N., Dilawari A., Extermann M., Graham D., Hurria A., Isaacs C., Jacobsen P.B., Jim H.S.L., Luta G., McDonald B.C., Patel S.K., Root J.C., Saykin A.J., Tometich D.B., Zhou X., Cohen H.J.. Symptom burden among older breast cancer survivors: The Thinking and Living with Cancer (TLC) study. Cancer (2019).

Brain aging following chemotherapy among breast cancer patients

A paper led by Dr. Ashley Henneghan investigated brain aging in newly diagnosed, middle-aged breast cancer patients who were treated with chemotherapy and compared changes in brain aging over time with that of comparable healthy controls. Co-authors included multiple extramural researchers. Overall, this study’s results indicate that there was increased cortical brain aging in breast cancer patients after receiving chemotherapy treatment, and this aging was associated with decreased verbal memory performance.

Henneghan A., Rao V., Harrison R.A., Karuturi M., Blayney D.W., Palesh O., Kesler S.R.. Cortical brain age from pre-treatment to post-chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer. Neurotox Res (2020).

Higher cigarette taxes associated with lower sales volume of smokeless tobacco

A recent paper led by Dr. Mary Hrywna looked at how tobacco control laws and retail promotion may influence smokeless tobacco sales in convenience stores across 30 regions of the U.S. from 2005 to 2010. Co-authors included an extramural researcher. Researchers found higher cigarette tax was related to lower sales volume of smokeless tobacco. Overall, results suggest some individuals substituted cigarettes for smokeless tobacco products, whereas others used smokeless tobacco products in conjunction with cigarettes.

Hrywna, M., Grafova, I.B., Delnevo, C.D. The role of marketing practices and tobacco control initiatives on smokeless tobacco sales, 2005-2010. Int J Environ Res Public Health (2019).

Study of a comprehensive tobacco treatment program’s effectiveness in patients with and without cancer

BRP grantee Dr. Paul Cinciripini and colleagues assessed the outcomes of a tobacco treatment program in patients with and without cancer (N=3,245) while examining differences associated with the patients’ cancer history and cancer site. The program included a medical consultation, 6-8 counseling sessions, and 10-12 weeks of pharmacotherapy. Rates of 7-day smoking abstinence did not vary significantly among patients with or without cancer at 9-months post-intervention. Patients with head and neck cancer were more likely to abstain from smoking than those diagnosed with cancer at other sites. As the authors explain, these results suggest that treating tobacco dependence in the oncology setting can result in sustained abstinence among cancer patients at rates similar to those without cancer.

Cinciripini, P.M., Karam-Hage, M., Kypriotakis, G., Robinson, J.D., Rabius, V., Beneventi, D., Minnix, J.A., Blalock, J.A. Association of a comprehensive smoking cessation program with smoking abstinence among patients with cancer. JAMA Netw Open (2019).

Mango and mint are JUUL flavor preferences among U.S. students
BRP grantee Dr. Adam Leventhal and colleagues examined young people’s JUUL flavor preferences in a nationally representative sample of 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students who participated in the 2019 Monitoring the Future study. In this study, 12.6% of students were current (past 30-day) users of JUUL e-cigarette. Among JUUL users with flavor preference data, mango was the most commonly used flavor among 8th grade users (33.5%), followed by mint (29.2%). Mint was the most commonly used flavor among 10th grade (43.5%) and 12th grade JUUL users (47.1%). Preference for tobacco-related flavors in all grades was less than 2.0%. The authors comment that, “The current findings raise uncertainty whether regulations or sales suspensions that exempt mint flavors are optimal strategies for reducing youth e-cigarette use.”

Leventhal, A.M., Miech, R., Barrington-Trimis, J., Johnston, L.D., O'Malley, P.M., Patrick, M.E. Flavors of e-cigarettes used by youths in the United States. JAMA (2019).

Exposure to court-ordered tobacco-related corrective statements

A paper led by BRP Program Director Dr. Kelly Blake assessed self-reported exposure to court-ordered tobacco-related corrective statements exit disclaimer using nationally representative 2018 HINTS (N=3,504) data. Co-authors included BRP staff. The statements were ordered by a Federal court following a racketeering lawsuit against tobacco companies. Overall, less than half (40.6%) of the sample recalled exposure to any corrective statement in the first 6 months of their implementation. Current smokers were more likely to report seeing these statements than nonsmokers, and those with no more than a high school education were less likely to report exposure than those with a college degree. Statements relating to the health effects of tobacco use were the most commonly recalled topic (34.7%). As the corrective statements did not reach nearly half of the adult population, the authors posit that more targeted health communication efforts may help to increase the overall prevalence of exposure to these important, court-ordered messages.

Blake, K.D., Willis, G., Kaufman, A. Population prevalence and predictors of self-reported exposure to court-ordered, tobacco-related corrective statements. Tob Control (2019).

Video-based interventions for cancer prevention and control are commonly used and beneficial

A new systematic review led by BRP Program Director Dr. Kelly Blake assessed the utility of video-based interventions for cancer prevention and control and found that most studies were delivered in health care settings, and breast cancer was the most commonly targeted cancer site. Overall, 69% of studies that utilized video interventions reported success in achieving their objectives. Topics such as caregiving, coping, palliative care, and end of life were rarely addressed with video interventions. Co-authors included a combination of current and former BRP staff, fellows, and collaborators.

Blake, K.D., Thai, C., Falisi, A., Chou, W.S., Oh, A., Jackson, D., Gaysynsky, A., Hesse, B.W. Video-based interventions for cancer control: A systematic review. Health Educ Behav (2019).

Ease of online health information seeking falls below Healthy People 2020 objective

A recent paper led by former BRP fellow Dr. Lila Finney Rutten used HINTS data (2008-2017) from over 18,000 U.S. adults to determine the percentage of online health information seekers who reported accessing that information without frustration. Overall, the percentage of online health information seekers reporting easily accessing health information fell below the Healthy People 2020 objective, and additional work is needed so that underserved populations can easily access online health information. Co-authors included a combination of current and former BRP staff and fellows.

Finney Rutten, L.J., Blake, K.D., Greenberg-Worisek, A.J., Allen, S.V., Moser, R.P., Hesse, B.W. Online health information seeking among US adults: Measuring progress toward a Healthy People 2020 objective. Public Health Rep (2019).

Best practices and knowledge gaps related to measuring cigarette smoking risk perceptions in adults

The Tobacco Control Research Branch held a meeting in 2017 related to measuring the risk perceptions of cigarette smoking. A resulting paper was recently published, led by BRP Program Director Dr. Annette Kaufman. Co-authors included a combination of BRP staff and extramural researchers in this area. The paper summarized the literature on smoking risk perceptions and covered multiple aspects related to the assessment of smoking risk perceptions in adults. The paper offered suggestions to help improve future assessment of smoking risk perceptions.

Kaufman A.R., Twesten J.E., Suls J., McCaul K.D., Ostroff J.S., Ferrer R.A., Brewer N.T., Cameron L.D., Halpern-Felsher B., Hay J.L., Park E.R., Peters E., Strong D.R., Waters E.A., Weinstein N.D., Windschitl P.D., Klein W.M.P.. Measuring cigarette smoking risk perceptions. Nicotine Tob Res (2019).

Ten-year contributions of NCI’s Cognitive, Affective, and Social Processes in Health Research (CASPHR) working group

A new paper led by BRP Associate Director Dr. Bill Klein provides an overview of the NCI Cognitive, Affective, and Social Processes in Health Research (CASPHR) working group’s contributions over the last 10 years. Co-authors include former BRP staff and members of the CASPHR working group. CASPHR has advanced the integration of basic behavioral science with cancer prevention and control by building the capacity for research in topics such as tobacco use, engagement in genetic testing and adherence to treatment, among others. The group has made progress in these areas through state-of-the-science meetings, written syntheses, conference symposia, and training workshops.

Klein W.M.P., Rothman A.J., Suls J., NCI Cognitive, Affective, and Social Processes in Health Research (CASPHR) Working Group. Bridging behavioral science with cancer prevention and control: Contributions of an NCI working group (2009-2019). Cancer Prev Res (Phila) (2020).

2019 DCCPS Overview & Highlights shines spotlight on behavioral research

This year’s annual DCCPS Overview & Highlights features the important role of behavioral research across the cancer control continuum, from prevention to diagnosis and treatment to survivorship. Though the majority of behavioral research initiatives are housed in the Behavioral Research Program, behavioral research is rightfully integrated into research supported across the division, as well as across the NIH. Featured in the report are signature behavioral research initiatives, advances in methods development, behavioral data resources for the research community, and emerging areas in behavioral research. Explore the DCCPS Overview & Highlights »

New Team Science textbook now available

BRP Program Director Dr. Kara Hall, BRP collaborator Dr. Amanda Vogel, and DCCPS Director Dr. Robert Croyle recently co-edited a new textbook on team science. The book features innovative tools and resources for effective, cross-disciplinary team science that can be beneficial for researchers and practitioners.

Hall K.L., Vogel A.L., Croyle R.T. Strategies for team science success: Handbook of evidence-based principles for cross-disciplinary science and practical lessons learned from health researchers. Springer (2019).

New Surgeon General’s Report now available

The new Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking Cessation was recently released. This is the first report focused on smoking cessation since 1990. The report highlights the health benefits of quitting, examines the effectiveness of smoking cessation tools and resources, highlights populations that have high and low quit rates, and identifies gaps in availability and utilization of cessation resources. BRP Program Director Dr. Rachel Grana Mayne provided leadership on the editorial team.

In the News

Calling tobacco use “popular” may influence perceived norms among youth

BRP Program Directors Dr. Stephanie Land and Dr. Sylvia Chou recently co-authored a Tobacco Control blog post about the importance of language choice when describing tobacco product use. They argue that the word “popular” may convey that these products are “suitable to the majority” and widely accepted among youth. Because people are more likely to engage in behaviors they view as common or normative, this language may have unintended negative consequences.

Evidence-based strategies for smoking cessation

BRP Program Director Dr. Yvonne Prutzman was recently quoted in an NPR story on evidence-based approaches for smoking cessation that has an accompanying episode on NPR’s podcast, Life Kit exit disclaimer. In the story, Dr. Prutzman mentions the link between using evidence-based smoking cessation treatments and higher chances of being successful in quitting.

Need for evidence-based youth vaping cessation treatment

Recent articles appearing in online news outlets Wired exit disclaimer and Vox exit disclaimer addressed teen vaping and focused on the lack of evidence-based vaping cessation treatments. BRP Program Directors Dr. Rachel Grana Mayne and Dr. Yvonne Prutzman were interviewed and quoted in articles about youth vaping behavior, addiction, and the urgent need for research on how to help youth quit vaping.

Challenges around electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS)

BRP grantee Dr. Peter Shields was quoted in a Rolling Stone exit disclaimer article about the e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury (EVALI) outbreak. Dr. Shields pointed to three concurrent ENDS-related challenges: the EVALI outbreak, the potential for long-term health effects of e-cigarettes, and young people’s use of flavored e-cigarette products.

Exercise prescriptions can improve cancer-related health outcomes among survivors

A recent NCI Cancer Currents blog post discussed the new American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) guidelines, which includes recommendations on exercise for cancer survivors. The ACSM panel found strong evidence that engaging in 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times per week improved several health outcomes among survivors, such as anxiety, depression, fatigue, and quality of life. The article featured insights from BRP Program Director Dr. Frank Perna, who was a panel member and co-author on the consensus statement from the International Multidisciplinary Roundtable.

Posttraumatic stress disorder linked with higher risk of ovarian cancer

A Reuters exit disclaimer article featured a study involving BRP grantee Dr. Shelley Tworoger. Researchers investigated the association between post-traumatic stress disorder and risk of ovarian cancer, and found that women with many symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder had a two-fold greater risk of developing ovarian cancer than women with no trauma exposure.

Cancer patients could benefit from astronaut-inspired exercise program

Cancer patients experience physiological changes that can be considered similar to those affecting astronauts. Stat News exit disclaimer covered a commentary co-authored by BRP grantee Dr. Lee Jones that compared the characterization and management of multisystem physiological toxicity in spaceflight and cancer and described how a NASA-inspired exercise therapy-based program could improve toxicity among cancer patients.

Record low cigarette smoking rates among U.S. adults

CNN exit disclaimer and U.S. News & World Report exit disclaimer covered a CDC MMWR report, co-authored by BRP Program Director Dr. Gordon Willis, that examined tobacco product use and cessation indicators among U.S. adults. The report found that cigarette smoking rates reached an all-time low of 13.7% in 2018, whereas use of e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products increased during 2017-2018.

Body’s nervous system may help cancer spread

A Science Magazine article exit disclaimer discussed research on how the body’s nervous system may play a role in the linkage between stress and cancer. The article features quotes by BRP Branch Chief Dr. Paige Green and references several NCI grantees including Drs. Anil Sood, Jennifer Knight, and Elizabeth Repasky and previously funded grantees Drs. Steve Cole and Shamgar Ben-Eliyahu. Researchers featured were supported through NCI grants within DCCPS and NCI’s Division of Cancer Biology, through the NCI Network on Biobehavioral Pathways in Cancer. This project was also funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Cancer Institute, NIH, under Contract No. HHSN261200800001E.


TUS-CPS 2018 data launch

The July 2018 data from the 2018-2019 Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey (TUS-CPS) are now available for download. New topics for TUS 2018-2019 include workplace and home vaping restrictions and e-cigarette price. The TUS provides nationally representative estimates of U.S. tobacco use behaviors, attitudes, and efforts. It offers a unique opportunity to track long-term trends and conduct complex analyses within the national Current Population Survey. A Data Brief presents a synopsis of results from initial analyses of July 2018 data. Get the TUS-CPS data »

HINTS 5 Cycle 3 public release

The Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) 5, Cycle 3 (2019) data were collected from January through May, 2019 (N=5,438) and are now available for download. This cycle of HINTS features extended content on behavioral risk factors for cancer such as alcohol use; diet, weight, and physical activity; tobacco use; and UV exposure. Data are available in SPSS, SAS, and STATA formats. Please visit the HINTS Website to download the public use dataset and documentation.

Introducing newly refreshed CLASS website

The Classification of Laws Associated with School Students (CLASS) evaluates physical education and nutrition efforts across the United States. The CLASS website now offers new ways to explore these data. Users can access enhanced interactive maps and tables that allow them to visualize and compare data by grade level and state. In addition, State Data pages make it easy for users to see trends over time. School health researchers and others interested in school health policy data will enjoy having the control and freedom these features provide. Visit the website »

Archived BRP webinars available at your fingertips

If you didn’t have an opportunity to attend one of our live webinars, watch them at your leisure by clicking on our Webinar Archives page. Here are a few webinars to add to your queue:

DCCPS report on observational data resources now available

The DCCPS Enhancing Observational Data Collection to Inform Precision Cancer Research and Care report describes how the division is expanding and enriching population-based observational data resources through initiatives, funding supplements, and requests for applications and making those data available to the cancer research community. The report is intended to serve as a helpful resource to provide transparency and facilitate discussion with the research community, experts, advocates, and other stakeholders as we explore opportunities to identify and close research data gaps. Read or download the report » and Watch a quick video featuring Division Director Dr. Robert Croyle »

Newly updated 24-hour physical activity recall tool now available
The recently updated Activities Completed over Time in 24-hours (ACT24) is a free web-based 24-hour physical activity recall tool designed to estimate daily summary values for multiple aspects of physical activity and sedentary behavior. The compatibility of this tool with smartphones, tablets, and computers makes it easy for researchers, teachers, clinicians, and others to capture participants’ daily physical activity levels. The tool was developed by Investigators in NCI’s Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics and staff from the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences.

AuthorArranger tool automates the manuscript journal title page process

AuthorArranger is a free NCI-developed web tool designed to help authors of research manuscripts automatically generate correctly formatted title pages for manuscript journal submission in a fraction of the time it takes to create the pages manually. Whether a manuscript has 20 authors or 200, this tool can save authors time and resources. Learn more about Author Arranger »

Human subjects research decision tool updated

NIH has updated its decision tool to help investigators determine if their research involves human subjects, or if it may be considered exempt from federal regulations on the protection of human subjects. The tool now reflects changes effective in the 2018 Revised Common Rule.

NCCOR releases white paper on measurement needs related to childhood obesity

NCCOR recently released the first in a series of white papers on measurement needs related to childhood obesity. The white paper provides an overview of an NCCOR workshop held in May 2020 titled, “Advancing Measurement of Individual Behaviors Related to Childhood Obesity”. It also highlights cross-domain priorities related to childhood obesity as well as individual priorities related to measurement of diet, physical activity and sleep. Access the white paper »

USPSTF releases 9th Annual Report to Congress

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF or Task Force) has released its “Ninth Annual Report to Congress on High-Priority Evidence Gaps for Clinical Preventive Services.” In this annual report, the Task Force identified six high-priority topics affecting mental health, substance use, and violence prevention that need more research where evidence is lacking, including evidence for specific population or age groups. Among the research areas that have been identified are primary care interventions for tobacco use prevention and cessation in children and adolescents, and screening and behavioral interventions for unhealthy alcohol use in adolescents and adults. Learn more about the report »

OBSSR seeks input on health-related behavioral and social science research

The NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) seeks broad public input on important new directions for health-related behavioral and social sciences research (BSSR) to achieve the scientific priorities in the OBSSR 2022-2026 Strategic Plan. OBSSR requests input on the most important or cutting-edge, trans-disease research directions to accelerate progress in (1) Synergy in Basic and Applied BSSR; (2) BSSR Resources, Methods, and Measures; and (3) Adoption of Effective BSSR in Practice. Submit your responses by March 29, 2020 at midnight EST through OBSSR’s crowdsourcing IdeaScale website.

Staffing News

Following 18 years of service, BRP Program Director Dr. Mirjana Djordjevic retired from NCI on December 31, 2019. Mirjana played a key role in the development and implementation of several funding initiatives aimed at fostering research on tobacco products, including the Program Announcement, "Testing Tobacco Products Promoted to Reduce Harm," and the Research and Development Contract, "Laboratory Assessment of Tobacco Use Behavior and Exposure to Toxins among Users of New Tobacco Products Promoted to Reduce Harm."

Awards and Recognitions

BRP Training Director and Research Methods Coordinator Dr. Richard Moser received an NCI Director’s Award for Outstanding Mentorship.

BRP Program Director Dr. Rachel Grana Mayne received an NIH Office of the Director Honor Award for her work on the NIH Prevention Special Interest Group on Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, which involved development of two ENDS-focused funding opportunity announcements and a workshop that focused on identifying gaps and developing consensus for further development of measures for ENDS device characteristics and use behavior.

BRP Cancer Prevention Fellow Dr. Anne Julian’s 2020 ASPO conference abstract titled, “Do-It-Yourself Sunscreen Tutorials on YouTube,” was one of 17 top-ranked abstracts that received meritorious recognition. It will be published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. Study co-authors include recent BRP fellows Zachary Farley and Annie Beach and BRP Program Director Dr. Frank Perna.


March 11 — TCRB presenting at the SRNT Pre-Conference Workshops

Several TCRB staff members will be presenting at Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) Pre-Conference Workshops exit disclaimer on March 11 in New Orleans. See the full schedule of TCRB staff and fellows at SRNT »

March 11 — Intermittent Fasting and Time-Restricted Eating Webinar

On March 11 at 1 p.m. ET, BRP will host a webinar titled “Intermittent Fasting and Time-Restricted Eating: Implications for Biomarkers, Body Composition, and Cancer Outcomes”. Three experts will describe biological, psychosocial, and behavioral mechanisms associated with intermittent fasting and time-restricted eating as well as their impact on cancer outcomes. NCI staff will also provide information about the recently published NCI provocative question #2 related to intermittent fasting. Please submit questions before the webinar to Register for the webinar » exit disclaimer

March 22-24 — American Society of Preventive Oncology Conference

BRP will be represented at the American Society of Preventive Oncology Conference in Tucson, AZ. On March 23, BRP Cancer Prevention Fellow Dr. Anne Julian will present an oral presentation on her meritorious abstract and on March 24, BRP Program Director Dr. April Oh will present as part of a symposium. See the full schedule » exit disclaimer

March 26—HINTS 5 Cycle 3 Data Webinar

On March 26 at 11:30 a.m. ET, BRP will host a webinar titled “Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) 5 Cycle 3 Data: A How-To Guide for Using the New Data in your Research”. Two NCI speakers will provide an overview of the survey and its content, describe results of a web pilot study, and offer analysis tips and SAS code to help researchers utilize the data. Register for the webinar » exit disclaimer

April 1-4 — Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) Annual Meeting

Many BRP staff and fellows will attend and present at SBM’s 2020 Annual Meeting in San Francisco, participating in symposia, seminars, roundtable discussions, oral and poster presentations, meetings of special interest groups, and more. Reach out to your program director to schedule a meeting. Check back for a full list of BRP staff activities »

April 9 — Perspectives on Cancer and Aging Webinar

Save the date! The third installment of the Perspectives on Cancer and Aging: The Arti Hurria Memorial Webinar Series will be held on April 9 at 12:00 p.m. ET. Dr. Luigi Ferrucci of the National Institute of Aging and Dr. Morgan Levine of the Yale School of Medicine will be the featured speakers. Register for the webinar » exit disclaimer

April 20-23 — NIH Regional Grants Seminar

If you are new to working with the NIH grants process and are eager to learn more, plan to attend the Spring 2020 NIH Regional Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration in Baltimore, April 20-22. Over 75 NIH & HHS presenters will provide over 40 different topics designed for research administrators, new investigators and others working with NIH grants. You’ll have a chance to meet with grants management, program, and review staff. Learn more about the optional pre-seminar workshops, 2-day session agenda, and 1:1 Meet the Expert opportunities and register on the seminar website. »

Visit the archive page to view other Scientific News from the Behavioral Research Program newsletters.