Pre-Application Webinar for RFA-CA-21-029, Centers on Telehealth Research for Cancer-Related Care (P50 Clinical Trial Required)

Event Type:
April 29, 2021
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST


Event Materials

Event Series

Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Webinars

In this webinar, NCI Program Staff provided orientation and assistance to potential applicants by explaining the goals, objectives, and requirements of the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA): Centers on Telehealth Research for Cancer-Related Care. This Request for Applications (RFA) invites applications for P50 Research Center Grants.

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is dedicated to advancing a national telehealth research agenda focused on improving cancer-related care and outcomes across the cancer control continuum in a rapidly changing healthcare, technology, and communication environment. With a focus on real-time patient-provider telehealth communication, Centers are expected to generate and disseminate a robust evidence base for patient-centered, sustainable telehealth models of cancer care delivery using new tools, research methods, and technologies. Each Center will leverage a clinical practice network able to support multiple cancer-focused telehealth research studies, including one large-scale pragmatic trial evaluating the integration of telehealth into the cancer care delivery. 


Roxanne E. Jensen, Ph.D.
Roxanne E. Jensen, Ph.D.

Program Director,

Outcomes Research Branch, Healthcare Delivery Research Program,

Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences,

National Cancer Institute,

Robin C. Vanderpool, Dr.P.H.
Robin C. Vanderpool, Dr.P.H.

Branch Chief,

Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch, Behavioral Research Program,

Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences,

National Cancer Institute,