Telehealth in Cancer Care: Introduction to a Notice of Special Interest

Event Type:
May 18, 2021
1:00–1:30 PM ET


Event Materials

Event Series

Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Webinars

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) released a Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) on Telehealth in Cancer Care on April 14, 2021.

This webinar described the NOSI mechanism and introduced NCI’s research priorities and relevant Funding Opportunity Announcements.


Kelly Blake, Sc.D.
Kelly Blake, Sc.D.

Program Director,
Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch,
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences,
National Cancer Institute

Gurvaneet Randhawa, M.D., M.P.H.
Gurvaneet Randhawa, M.D., M.P.H.

Medical Officer,
Health Systems and Interventions Research Branch,
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences,
National Cancer Institute