FLASHE Data Terms of Use

It is of utmost importance to ensure the confidentiality of survey participants. Every effort has been made to exclude identifying information on individual respondents from the computer files. Some demographic information such as sex, race, etc., has been included for research purposes. The National Cancer Institute expects that users of the data set will adhere to the strictest standards of ethical conduct for the analysis and reporting of collected survey data. It is mandatory that all research results be presented/published in a manner that protects the integrity of the data and ensures the confidentiality of participants. In order for the Family Life, Activity, Sun, Health, and Eating Survey (FLASHE) to provide a public-use or another version of data to you, it is necessary that you agree to the following provisions.

  • You will not present/publish data in which an individual can be identified. Publication of small cell sizes should be avoided.
  • You will neither attempt to link nor permit others to link the data with individually identified records in another database.
  • You will not attempt to learn the identity of any person whose data are contained in the supplied file(s).
  • If the identity of any person is discovered inadvertently, then the following should be done;
    • no use will be made of this knowledge,
    • the FLASHE program staff will be notified of the incident,
    • no one else will be informed of the discovered identity.
  • You will neither release nor permit others to release the data in full or in part to any person except with the written approval of the FLASHE program staff.
  • If accessing the data from a centralized location on a time sharing computer system or LAN, you will not share FLASHE data with any other individuals. You will also not allow any other individuals to use your computer account after you have downloaded FLASHE data.
  • For all software provided by the FLASHE program, you will not copy, distribute, reverse engineer, profit from its sale or use, or incorporate it in any other software system.
  • The source of FLASHE data/National Cancer Institute information should be cited in all publications. The appropriate citation is associated with the data file used. Please see Suggested Citations in the Download FLASHE Data section of this Website .
  • Analyses of large FLASHE domains usually produce reliable estimates, but analyses of small domains may yield unreliable estimates, as indicated by their large variances. The analyst should pay particular attention to the standard error and coefficient of variation (relative standard error) for estimates of means, proportions, and totals, and the analyst should report these when writing up results. It is important that the analyst realizes that small sample sizes for particular analyses will tend to result in unstable estimates.
  • You may receive periodic email updates from the FLASHE administrators.

Other related FLASHE documentation including survey, survey sources, codebook and data user guide can be found at: https://cancercontrol.cancer.gov/brp/hbrb/flashe.html

Accept Terms.