‘Liking’ and ‘Wanting’ Visual Analog Scales

Measure Definition:

The Leeds Food Preference Questionnaire (LFPQ; Finlayson, King, and Blundell, 2008) provides measures of different components of food preference and food reward. Participants are presented with an array of pictures of individual food items common in the diet. Foods in the array are chosen by the experimenter from a validated database to represent a particular dichotomous dimension of foods of relevance to the research question (e.g. high/low in fat). Responses are recorded and used to compute mean scores for specified food categories. The LFPQ has been validated in a wide range of research and shown to predict actual food choice and energy intake when assessed under laboratory and free-living settings. Scores on the tool can indicate risk of reward-based overeating in obesity. Longitudinal changes can indicate improvement in food preference/choice in response to obesity treatment. The LFPQ has been translated into 14 languages and used in child, adolescent, adult and clinical populations.



Construct Definition (and Source):

Regular course of eating and drinking adopted by a person or animal. (MeSH)

Selected References

Citation PubMed ID

Finlayson G, King N, Blundell J. The role of implicit wanting in relation to explicit liking and wanting for food: implications for appetite control. Appetite. 2008 Jan;50(1):120-7. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2007.06.007. Epub 2007 Jun 28. PMID: 17655972.