Examines trends in the passage of local ordinances in two major areas: limiting smoking to protect nonsmokers and reducing youth access to tobacco. An appendix includes model ordinances that can be used by communities.
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Suggested Citation
National Cancer Institute. Major Local Tobacco Control Ordinances in the United States. Tobacco Control Monograph No. 3. Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute. NIH Pub. No. 93-3532, May 1993.
View Individual Chapters
Chapters and key topics covered within each chapter are listed below. Chapters generally include an introductory section, details on methodology, a chapter summary, research needs, and a reference list.
- Foreword (PDF, 227 KB)
- Acknowledgments (PDF, 96 KB)
- Introduction (PDF, 221 KB)
- Background (PDF, 909 KB)
- Contents (PDF, 67 KB)
- Chart I. Smoking Ordinances: (PDF, 1.4 MB)
- Summary of Provisions
- Chart II. Smoking Ordinances: (PDF, 1.4 MB)
- Workplace Provisions
- Chart III. Smoking Ordinances: (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- Other Provisions
- Chart IV. Access to Minors: (PDF, 482 KB)
- Vending Machine Ordinances
- Chart V. Access to Minors: Tobacco (PDF, 196 KB)
- Sampling and Licensing Ordinances
- Appendix A. Summary of Local Ordinances, by State (PDF, 145 KB)
- Table 1. Local smoking ordinances, total number by state
- Table 2. Local ordinances restricting your access to tobacco, total number, by state
- Appendix B. State Tobacco Control Laws (PDF, 280 KB)
- Table 1. State laws restricting smoking in public places
- Table 2. Age restrictions for sale of tobacco products
- Table 3. Restrictions on tobacco sales through vending machines, by State
- Table 4. Restrictions on distribution of tobacco product samples, by State
- Appendix C. Model Local Ordinances (PDF, 933 KB)
- Model Ordinance Eliminating Smoking in Workplaces and Enclosed Public Places (100 percent Smokefree Ordinance)
- Model Smoking Ordinance (Partial Ban)
- Model Tobacco Vending Machine Ordinance
- Model Tobacco Free Sampling Ordinance
- Model Sale of Tobacco to Minors Ordinance