Dear Colleagues,

Greetings to everyone – I hope that you had a wonderful summer, and I hope you’ve been able to stay cool. We have much to share in this latest issue of the BRP Scientific Bulletin.
Before we dive into the latest program happenings, I wanted to highlight a less commonly used funding mechanism, the P01. P01 grants support integrated multi-project research programs involving a number of independent investigators who share knowledge and common resources while working toward a unifying overall scientific goal. To learn more, I encourage you to check out the division’s new P01 webpage. This is an applicant-focused resource explaining the process in detail. This new fact sheet explains more about what makes this funding mechanism unique, how to prepare a robust application, and guidance on engaging program directors and optimizing your application. We look forward to reviewing any applications that come in under this mechanism.
Turning our attention to program contributions and achievements - with substantial support from Dr. Yvonne Prutzman and other Tobacco Control Research Branch (TCRB) staff, we saw the US Department of Health and Human Services release of the HHS Framework to Support and Accelerate Smoking Cessation. The framework focuses specifically on supporting and accelerating the cessation of combusted tobacco products—namely, cigarettes, cigars, little cigars, and cigarillos—for people of all ages across the lifespan.
BRP staff have also collaborated on the release of two special issues of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI) Monographs, including one on Global Cancer Stigma: Research, Practice, and Priorities discussing the global landscape of cancer stigma research, stigma toward HIV, lung cancer stigma, and more, and one on Integrating Telehealth into Cancer Care Delivery featuring efforts from the NCI Telehealth Research Centers of Excellence (TRACE) Initiative, including the state of telehealth and cancer care research and future directions.
In other news, our Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) team has been hard at work and recently released HINTS Data Linkage Project 2022 (HDLP 2022), is available now in multiple formats. HDLP 2022 contains HINTS 6 data merged with numerous external variables to support analyzing linked data to enhance the types of analyses and corresponding research questions that can be answered with HINTS data.
In this issue, we include funding opportunities that have been posted since our last newsletter, career and training opportunities, and resources in addition to the above, including the National Standards for Cancer Survivorship Care.
Upcoming events are not included in this issue, but you can always find them on our website.
We appreciate your feedback on both the new newsletter format and content. And as a reminder, feel free to manage your BRP newsletter subscription at any time, but we hope you find the information beneficial. If you’re on social media, follow us on our division’s LinkedIn page.
All the best,
Associate Director
Funding Opportunities
The Confluence of Cancer Stigma and HIV Stigma in HIV-positive Individuals Diagnosed with Cancer
RFA-CA-25-011 (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
RFA-CA-25-012 (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)
NCI Contacts: Robin Vanderpool and Rebecca Ferrer
Posted: August 15, 2024
Expires: December 11, 2024
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Factors Impacting How Time-Restricted Eating (TRE) Influences Cancer-Related Outcomes
NCI Contacts: Tanya Agurs-Collins and Edward Sauter
Posted: July 09, 2024
Expires: May 08, 2027
NOSI: Improving Adherence to Treatment and Prevention Regimens and Maintenance of Health Behaviors to Promote Health
NCI Contact: Wendy Nelson
Posted: July 24, 2024
Expires: July 14, 2027
NOSI: Analysis of Existing Linked Datasets to Understand the Relationship between Housing Program Participation and Risk for Chronic Diseases and Other Conditions
NOT-DK-24-029 (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NCI Contacts: Amy Davidoff (for Healthcare Delivery grants) and David Berrigan (for other grants)
Posted: August 19, 2024
Expires: September 08, 2027
Notice of Intent to Publish (NOITP): Scaling-up and Maintaining Evidence-based Interventions to Maximize Impact on Cancer (SUMMIT) Lung Cancer Screening
NOT-CA-24-075 (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Required)
NCI Contacts: Wynne Norton and Cynthia Vinson
Posted: August 19, 2024
First Estimated Due Date: November 15, 2024
NOITP: Scaling-up and Maintaining Evidence-based Interventions to Maximize Impact on Cancer (SUMMIT) Tobacco Use Treatment for Cancer Survivors
NOT-CA-24-076 (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Required)
NCI Contacts: Wynne Norton and Cynthia Vinson
Posted: August 19, 2024
First Estimated Due Date: November 15, 2024
Career and Training Opportunities
Chief, Health Behaviors Research Branch
Read the position description.
HHS Framework to Support and Accelerate Smoking Cessation
This framework provides a unifying vision and set of common goals to drive progress towards cessation, especially in populations and communities that experience smoking- and cessation-related differences. It will be used by HHS to enhance efforts to support smoking cessation and provide direction for coordinated efforts with others from multiple sectors to advance collective efforts to improve the nation’s health. Read the HHS framework.
Special Issue on Global Cancer Stigma: Research, Practice, and Priorities
This Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI) Monographs Issue is a collaboration between BRP’s Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch, the NCI Center for Global Health, and members of the domestic and international extramural community, including researchers, clinicians, and advocates. Articles discuss the global landscape of cancer stigma research, stigma toward HIV, lung cancer stigma, and more. Read the special issue.
Special Issue on Integrating Telehealth into Cancer Care Delivery: Advancing a National Research Agenda
This Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI) Monographs Issue highlights NCI’s goals and efforts to address the need for advancing national telehealth to improve cancer-related outcomes across the cancer control continuum. Articles feature efforts from the NCI Telehealth Research Centers of Excellence (TRACE) Initiative, including the state of telehealth and cancer care research and future directions. Read the special issue.
HINTS Data Linkage Project 2022 Now Available
A new HINTS dataset, HINTS Data Linkage Project 2022 (HDLP 2022), is now available to request via the restricted data form on the HINTS website. HDLP 2022 contains HINTS 6 (2022; n = 6,252) data merged with numerous external variables to support analyzing linked data to enhance the types of analyses and corresponding research questions that can be answered with HINTS data. It is available in SAS, SPSS, and STATA formats. Request this dataset.
National Standards for Cancer Survivorship Care
As part of the Biden Cancer Moonshot and the President’s Cancer Cabinet, NCI, in partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs and other Health and Human Services agencies, led a consensus-building process with subject matter experts to develop the National Standards for Cancer Survivorship Care. Read about the National Standards for Cancer Survivorship Care.
Treating Tobacco Use in Cancer Care Settings – New Webpage
Given that tobacco cessation treatment is considered a pillar of cancer care, BRP staff, in coordination with multiple federal agencies, established a new webpage providing helpful tobacco cessation resources for health care systems and providers to assist individuals after a cancer diagnosis. Check out the new webpage.
Cancer Stigma as a Global Health Priority – New Webpage
Highlighting the importance of understanding, measuring, and reducing cancer stigma as critical to reducing the global cancer burden and promoting health for all people, the Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch launched a new webpage with funding opportunities, publications, and other resources related to cancer stigma research. Check out the new webpage.