Choi, Patten, Gillin, Kaplan, & Pierce.
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Brief Description: | This six-item self-report measure, adapted from Kandel and Davies (1982), assesses six depressive symptoms experienced during the past twelve months. This measure provides a brief index of depressive symptoms; it does not yield a diagnosis of depression. |
Target Population: | Adolescents, between ages 12-18 years. |
Administrative Issues: | This measure was administered over the phone to adolescents at their homes. |
Scoring Information: | Responses to items are summed to produce an overall depressive symptoms score that ranges from 6 to 24 points. These scores are increased by 10 to produce a new range of 16 to 34 points. Adolescents who achieve a score of 29 or greater are defined as having notable depressive symptoms. Using this cut-off score, 15 percent of the teens were identified as having notable depressive symptoms. This rate is consistent with the rate of depressive symptomatology obtained by Kandel and Davies (1982). |
Psychometrics: | Cronbach's alpha for the entire scale was 0.72. |
Clinical Utility of Instrument: | This index can helpful in tailoring smoking cessation treatment by identifying adolescents who have notable depressive symptoms. |
Research Applicability: | Given the co-occurrence of smoking and depressive symptoms, this brief measure of depressive symptoms may be useful in smoking research as a predictor of treatment response, or as a covariate in outcome analyses. |
Copyright, Cost, and Source Issues: | No charge for use. |
Source Reference: | Choi, W.S., Patten, C.A., Gillin, J.C., Kaplan, R.M., & Pierce, J.P. (1997). Cigarette smoking predicts development of depressive symptoms among U.S. adolescents. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 19, 42-50. |
Supporting References: | None |
Contact Author: | J. P. Pierce, Ph.D. |
Contact Information: | Cancer Prevention and Control Program Cancer Center Mail Code 0901 University of California, San Diego La Jolla, CA 92093-0901 |
Kandel, D.B. & Davies, M. (1982). Epidemiology of depressive mood in adolescents. Archives of General Psychiatry, 39, 1205-1212. | |
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