TUS-CPS Data User Webinar Series

Webinar Materials


Webinar #1 - July 1, 2021

Analyses Using the TUS-CPS 1992-2019 Harmonized Dataset

Carolyn Reyes-Guzman, NCI/TCRB; Elizabeth Seaman, CDC Foundation; Kelvin Choi, NIMHD/DIR

Introduces the TUS-CPS harmonized dataset and discusses how to conduct analyses, including examining data from certain TUS-CPS years only and adjusting the replicate weights. Examines analyses.


Webinar #2 - August 5, 2021

Using SAS to Analyze TUS-CPS Data

James (Todd) Gibson, IMS

Interactive session on basic analyses of the TUS-CPS data using SAS, including analyses of the individual public use and harmonized data with associated replicate weights. Note: A working knowledge of SAS is recommended.


Webinar #3 - September 2, 2021

Linkage of the TUS-CPS to Other CPS Supplements

Margaret (Maggie) Mayer and Carolyn Reyes-Guzman, NCI/TCRB

Discusses data sources available for linkage with the TUS-CPS (e.g., other CPS supplements), key considerations in management and analysis, and common roadblocks.


Webinar #4 - October 14, 2021

County Level Analyses on TUS-CPS Using Small Area Estimation Techniques

Benmei Liu, NCI/SRAB; Anne Hartman, NCI/TCRB

Discusses the model-based small area estimation approach to combine information from the TUS-CPS and multiple related sources to obtain reliable estimates for all U.S. counties with increased precision and better evaluate local tobacco trends.


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