Team Science Toolkit

The Team Science Toolkit is a collection of information and resources that support the practice and study of team science. The Toolkit connects professionals from many disciplines, providing a forum for sharing knowledge and tools to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of team science initiatives.

A growing body of knowledge about team science is emerging from disciplines as diverse as public health, communications, management sciences, and psychology. The Team Science Toolkit aims to integrate this knowledge, disseminate effective practices, and prevent the unnecessary duplication of efforts.

The Team Science Toolkit is Undergoing Maintenance!

The database of toolkit resources is getting updated and is not available at this time.

Check back soon for updates.

The SciTS Listserv

The SciTS listserv facilitates conversation among individuals who are engaged in, studying, or managing team science in the US and internationally.

To subscribe, send an email with a blank subject line to The message body should read: Subscribe SciTSlist [your full name]. Please do not include the brackets. For example, for Robin Smith to subscribe, the message would read: subscribe SciTSlist Robin Smith. You will receive a confirmation email.